Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fashion Camp

Head on over to my American Girl doll blog to read about my daughters day becoming a Fashionista, Learning how to model and design a great wardrobe... Click here

Project Pay It Forward

I grew up with family friends that we've remained so close that the word friendship is so lame we are family. true and true.. I've lived with them at times of my life and I have known them since I was old enough to walk probably. Before I was born my "adopted" brother was friends with their parents so we are truly like family.

My "cousin" Trevia posted on Facebook today:

     What does "pay it forward" mean to you? Not just going out of your way to do something nice, but doing it without expectations..... Do something nice for a stranger unless you know of someone in need... God, family, friends , and everyone else.... I'm paying it forward in my own way.... what have you done lately? I wanna know....

My response was its more of how I live my life not just something I do.I don't plan Pay it Forwards I just do them as the opportunity arises and when the spirit hits me. I live my life thinking Maybe She's an Angel.. I've been inspired many times in my life by the earth angels I encounter. Homeless people giving me rent money, Free rides from Cab drivers when I was pregnant and had to walk home from work, People that have friended me, inspired me and loved me through my hardest times. I have spent some time in a battered women's shelter and have been homeless with a baby on my knee so my heart really goes out to homeless even before I ended up in the situation. Between homeless and animals... (I would go adopt every dog and cat at the pound if I could take care of them properly).  For the last couple of years.. I have used book bags I have gotten as promo gifts or the ones my kids didn't want anymore and put an inexpensive blanket in there, maybe some snacks, a little cash, and perhaps the free shampoo from hotels and whatever else I have on hand (extra gloves?) and if I encounter a homeless person I hand them the bag. I don't think to myself I am giving this guy $5-$10 cash what if he blows it on Alcohol or drugs? Who cares its not for me to judge its between him and his maker right? I wanted to start a charity to rescue Cabbage Patch Kids and Build a Bears from Yard Sales, Thrift Stores, and Flea Markets and rehome them with needy children or for the Police and Fire Departments when they respond to a call. My friend Danielle S did something a few years ago that inspired me she did a Pay it Forward project where she did something nice for someone every day leading up to her 30th birthday so 30 days of good.. You can do it once a week till your birthday or something like that :) Well Trevia says her birthday is next week so I am going to give her 39 inexpensive ways to pay it forward

  1. Put a dollar in the Redbox DVD holder so the next person that rents that DVD will get a free rental.
  2. Tape change to a vending machine
  3. put a small stuffed animals or diapers on a public changing table with a note for the mom
  4. write on a piece of paper "You are Beautiful" and tape it to a mirror in a public bathroom
  5. Pay for someone's Starbucks or meal or even their Grocieries
  6. I've always wanted pay on someone's layaway
  7. Rock a baby at a hospital
  8. Serve food at a Homeless shelter or soup kitchen
  9. pray for a stranger
  10. Free Compliments take one 
  11. Grab a $10 gift card then give it away..
  12. Find a single mom, grandparent raising their child, and or a special needs mom and offer some respite care or cook them a meal
  13. Chemo Care Packages 
  14. another idea for the Homeless
  15. Volunteer or  Donate to the Monkey's
  16. Volunteer for a Pet Rescue or donate money
  17. Give a generous tip for good service
  18. Get tested to become a donor.. Donate blood
  19. Help someone that you know is disabled or elderly clean their home or run their errands
  20. Pay for someone's dry cleaning. 
  21. praise a child even if you don't know them
  22. leave extra time in a parking meter
  23. visit a nursing home
  24. give a freezer meal to a new mom
  25. Do something nice for your parents
  26. send a care package to a soldier
  27. hand out water at an event
  28. Tell a random parent you see that they are doing a good job
  29. pick up litter
  30. leave a review for someone at a business if they gave you good service
  31. Leave random sticky notes with fun or kind quotes on the mirror of a public restroom
  32. Leave tickets sitting around randomly at an arcade or fair or give them to a young child
  33. Get a $10 gift card to Barnes and Noble or something of the like and tape it and a note to the inside of a book. "Great Choice this book is on me"
  34. Let a person cut in line with a smile
  35. pay for a veterans dinner
  36. Leave a dollar in the dollar bins at Target or the Dollar store
  37. leave coins at a laundry mat
  38. Get a netflix gift card (really inexpensive) put it in a basket with some popcorn, some candy, and maybe even a gift card for order in place for dinner... alternative pack a basket with a board game (it can be travel sized) and some candy and give it to a neighbors child so they can disconnect from technology
  39. have a hobby? Make something and then donate it to the needy (ie Hats for newborns at a hospital)
Wow this was harder than I thought on my time crunch!! 
Good luck and Happy Birthday Trevia
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