Sunday, September 14, 2008

Reflections of the Deployment

On the first of every year I usually reflect back on my blogs and talk about important blogs for each month. I didn't do that this year. So I thought I would do it for the deployment.

Lets start with the Goodbye

Monday, July 23, 2007 Myspace Blog

It was time to say goodbye ~

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Myspace Blog

Yes I am Okay! ~ A poem I wrote about deployment

Saturday, September 15, 2007 Myspace Blog

The Chaos Doesn't End Yet ~ My Fender Bender at the Commissary

Thursday, October 11, 2007 Myspace Blog

I’ve been so humbled ~ My first phone call after Rick was officially in the sandbox

Saturday, October 27, 2007 Myspace Blog

Rough Week ~ I totaled the Metro & Alex comes home from AIT.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007 Myspace Blog

What We Go Through

Sunday, December 23, 2007 On Blogger

Waiting Spouses and the Huntsville Times

Thursday, January 10, 2008 On Blogger

Passion I am coming to the realization that some people just don't understand the passion I have for my husband and the passion he has for me. Nor do I think this is blind passion that it will eventually end. I am most definately not in love with this deployment

January/Feburary cusp

Friday, February 15, 2008 On Blogger

Catching up ~ R&R

Friday, March 21, 2008 On Blogger

Windows ~ Rick and now try to leave our webcam's rolling most of our days and nights so we can keep an eye on each other. Even while we sleep. We are on opposite schedules. He works mostly while I sleep and vice versa. He put me to bed last night and I cuddled in bed and flipped open my Nintendo DS for awhile just to do something and unwind. I could see my window with his webcam in it from my bed. I would glance up and he was reading a book by his computer. I closed my DS and cuddled up with some blankets and it felt like almost we were cuddling. Virtually Cuddling. I could almost smell him, feel him, touch him as he read his book. I didn't share my thoughts with him till this morning. Its almost as if he was here in my bed. It didn't feel so lonely. What a blessing Technology has given us.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008  On Blogger

Letter to Rick

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 On Blogger

What Hurts the Most by Rascall Flatts ~ Dealing with R&R Depression

Sunday, June 8, 2008 On Blogger

How do I feel now ~ Desolution of a Close friendship

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 On Blogger

Its that Time of the Deployment ~ Well I have watched others go through it. Now I am at that stage of deployment where its wrapping up and little things seem to send me into a tail spin. I am sleeping less and less. I am bitchy... not that I haven't used the bitch card over the past 11 and half months. I still doubt the last months or weeks of deployment are harder than the first. At least for me. But I have yet to finish so we will see. Lately I am so moody and emotional.

Thursday, August 07, 2008 Myspace Blog

Oh no my baby is in school

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Myspace Blog

Not yet finished








Love tip from

Your Anniversary Day
A few of my girlfriends from work were huddled around the water cooler today talking about different things their husbands had gotten for their anniversaries. One girl started explaining how her husband had bought her their "Anniversary Day." I guess it’s similar to buying a star, but this service lets you buy a day. I couldn't believe how cute and romantic it sounded! She showed us the profile that her husband had made online. Her husband uploaded pictures from their wedding , and when the web page loads, a slide show of their pictures starts playing . The next day she brought in the certificate that comes with it. It was so nice! It had their names written in calligraphy and it stated they were the sole owners of the day and no one else could ever own it. The name of the website is I have already hinted to my husband that I want our day for our anniversary. I just hope it’s not taken before he can get it! Anyways, I just wanted to share this with others because I thought this was a really great gift!
--submitted by Carol Ann Huntington

Love tip from

Your Anniversary Day
A few of my girlfriends from work were huddled around the water cooler today talking about different things their husbands had gotten for their anniversaries. One girl started explaining how her husband had bought her their "Anniversary Day." I guess it’s similar to buying a star, but this service lets you buy a day. I couldn't believe how cute and romantic it sounded! She showed us the profile that her husband had made online. Her husband uploaded pictures from their wedding , and when the web page loads, a slide show of their pictures starts playing . The next day she brought in the certificate that comes with it. It was so nice! It had their names written in calligraphy and it stated they were the sole owners of the day and no one else could ever own it. The name of the website is I have already hinted to my husband that I want our day for our anniversary. I just hope it’s not taken before he can get it! Anyways, I just wanted to share this with others because I thought this was a really great gift!
--submitted by Carol Ann Huntington

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Army Wedding Vows

Army Wedding Vows

I always thought this was super funny...

Dear family and friends, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and the Department of the Army, to witness this exchange of vows, and see the love that these two dedicated, loving people have for one another.

"Wilt thou, __________, take ___________ (who will now be referred to as the"dependent"), as your family member, to dwell together in so far as the Department of the Army will permit?" "Wilt thou love her, comfort her, via the postal service or over the phone, make sure she knows where the commissary, PX, and church are, and what time she is scheduled to use the laundry room the day she arrives, wherever you are stationed?"

"Wilt thou attempt to tell her more than 24 hours in advance that you will be leaving for two weeks, beginning the next morning?" This especially applies to the years you will live in a foreign country!

"Wilt thou ____________ , take this soldier as thy wedded husband, knowing that he is depending upon you to be the perfect (well almost) Army wife, running the household as you see fit, and being nice to the commander's wife?" Furthermore, you understand that your life with your husband (little that you may have together) will not be normal, that you may have to explain to your children, not once, but twice, and more often in the same day, that mothers do have husbands, and that children do have daddy's, and that the picture of the man on the refrigerator is not the milkman, but the same individual who tucks them in at 2200 hours, long after they are asleep. This soldier is their daddy, who loves them very, very much.

"Wilt thou love, respect and wait for him, preparing his favorite cookies and pictures of yourself and the kids, so he can remember what you look like?" And last but not least, put on the outside of your door his "Welcome home" sign when he's due to arrive?"

"I, ____, take thee ____, as my independent wife, from 1900 to 2200 hours or as long as allowed by my Commanding Officer (subject to change without notice), for better or worse, earlier or later, near or far, and I promise to look at the pictures you send me, maybe not when they get to me in the field, but before I turn the lights out. I will also send a letter, if time permits, and if not, to somehow, some way, make the time."

"I, _________, take thee _________ as my live-in/live-out husband, realizing that your comings and goings and 0330 staff meetings are normal (although absurd to me) and part of your life as a soldier. I promise not to be shocked or taken by surprise when you inform me that, although we've just arrived at our new duty station, we will be leaving within the month. Yes, I'll have you as my husband as long as while your are away, my allotment comes through regularly, and that you leave me a current power of attorney and the checkbook at all times. I am a famil y member and proud of it, dependent upon myself and my resources. Although I miss you when you are away, I know I can handle whatever comes across my path."

"Now then, let no man or woman put us under what God and the Department of the Army have brought together. The Army hereby issues you this lovely, dedicated, independent woman, knowing that she'll be an asset not only to your marriage, but also to the mission of the United States Army, which is, as you all know, to remain in a state of "Readiness." By the authority vested in the Bible, elaborated in the regulation and subject to current directives concerning the aspects of marriage in the Army, you are now a Soldier with a Family Member. Best Wishes and good Luck."