Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Pick me Choose me Love me

I’ve been involved in a lot of situations lately where it’s come to my attention someone thinks another person is choosing something or someone over themselves.

Someone thinks their significant other chose alcohol over them.

Someone might think someone chooses work over them.

A best friend may think that the person is choosing one person over themselves.

Or perhaps it’s a family member. It could be a family member playing favorites...

Myself as part of a blended family feel like sometimes a child, even an adult child, is always given priority over the rest of the family members.

Sometimes I feel people even choose to not put their values first or defend their loved one to avoid drama.

So the accusation of someone choosing something or someone over them is that an insecurity on their part or is it an actual issue? How do you handle these issues? Have you felt like you were either party?

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


It’s been almost a year since my life was shattered as I knew it. It’s been over a year of fighting the deepest depression of my life. Within the last two years I lost both of my parents. I lost some of my closest friends I never thought I’d lose under the circumstances I did. I was deeply betrayed by people I thought I could trust with my life, yet it nearly killed me. The journey to reunite with Mackenzie, my son ended with me left heartbroken. It’s been a journey through my own personal Hell. Through the battle (that word only sounds like a fraction of what I’ve been through) I haven’t totally given up, I’ve become exhausted and worn.  I don’t think I’ll ever be like I used to be. I haven’t completely forgiven those people and I certainly won’t forget how I feel. Even through recovery, I don’t think I’ll get the old me back. Life changes you sometimes. I know I won’t forget the ONE person who I can talk to at any hour about anything. She’s bluntly honest and doesn’t take even shit from me. She doesn’t judge me I don’t think. She says the hard stuff and loves me furiously. I know as long as I can be strong enough for my kids to stand shakily in the literal shit. I’ll be okay.