Saturday, June 30, 2007

How was my day?

Well for one I wonder what the heck is going on in London! LOL. For those who haven't heard they found
Glasgow Story Link Two failed Car Bombs in London
Someone mentioned learning how to drive. I am 28 and just now learning how to drive. Given the opportunity should I say. My husband deploys in 21 days and 22 hours so I better know how to drive in the next three weeks. I asked to go Yard Selling this morning and he just kinda was no interested. So I brought it up when someone in the group mentioned it as a good excuse to go driving LMAO. YEAH buddy. Then we passed a dollar general going out of business woot woot! Got gobs of good stuff there. So that was great and came back home to cook lunch then my step son goes to work at 2 then I get to get out of the house again :C)

As for yesterday we went groceries & then came home and relaxed had dinner outside on our porch. I tried to get the animals out in our backyard. My 10 year old Lightening Loves being outside she is prone to eating grass, and just laying out. I brought my Cockatiel's bird cage out so Lily could enjoy some fresh air and decided I might as well clean up around her. So that made her happy. Then our new kitten Tinker bell who is 2 months old didn't like it outside and just squalled. Skylar has a play climby thing out back & a small whale pool. Skylar was playing in her pool and got out to talk to me. Lightening climbed in just to her front paws and drank some water. It started to Thunder so Rick put the Whale thing on top of the Lil Tykes thing. Lightening climbed in the climby thing and was chilling out I took a picture of her on my phone and then she got down. But then she wanted to climb on top of the climby thing and ended up poking holes in the pool silly bad cat!. Lily learned how to open the doors on her cage great! She might end up lunch for one of our two cats!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lightening and Tinkerbell

Lightening and Tinker Bell went to the vet. Lightening needed boosters. It was Tinkerbell's first visit. We got Lightening a new carrier and Tinkerbell got the hand me down. Lightening weighs 11 lbs and Tinker is 3 lbs and a few ounces. Tinker goes back at the end of July for a booster... The vet clinic is moving so I gotta give them time

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Talking to our Children about what's in the news?

The groups are busy bustling with news of the Pregnant Ohio woman killed by her Police Officer Boyfriend, A Famous wrestler found dead in his Georgia home in an alleged murder suicide,(new reports said he sufficated his wife and son and hung himself) and of course our Troops. So when our kids are asking questions what do you say? How do you explain to your 5 year old son that his "Hero" is dead and it looks like he killed his son and wife. I was speaking to someone in another group about the topic and I was adamant that my children will not idolize or think any celebrity or someone in the spot light is a hero. That soldiers, EMT's, Police officers, Fire fighters are hero's. Then I bit my lip saying a hero killed his pregnant girlfriend. Some hero? Also its a challenge to reinforce into our children that the bible says though shall not kill and our troops are over there killing and being killed. How do we face that challenge? Or just the fact that at times our Troops are faced with killing innocent children. Who are your kids hero's? When you talk about hero's to your kids what do you talk about?
Pro Wrestler Chris Benoit Found dead with his wife and 7 year old son. 

 Click here: ABC News: Autopsy ID's Body of Pregnant Ohio Woman

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A New friend

I have been playing myspace tag with a new wife in the area. Her name is Jess and she is from Il she has a baby girl and a baby on the way. Her husband is overseas and she hopes to join him soon. Both were great. We met out at the pool and hung out for a few hours then went to a bird show. I had a good day :) It was nice to finally meet Jess who already knew Christa and Rox :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Culture? Some would say

I never thought of myself as a terribly sheltered child. Although my adopted mother was very mindful of what I was allowed to see, to have, or who I was allowed to be friends with. When I met Adam he was a bit older than me well he certainly had alot more life experience than I had. He introduced me to so many new things. Star Wars, Halloween, Phantom of the Opera. Those are three of his true loves in his movies. Those who knew Adam he loved movies so deep it would run in his soul. He wanted to be a special effects artist and a writer. Both of which I think he was talented at. He never used his dreams for good use. A true loss to all of us, In my opinion. Its funny I see things now 4 years after he passed away that he would have LOVED! The Phantom of the Opera Movie, Transformers Movie, Freddy Vs Jason (even if he had a distaste for it in a way I still think he had a love for it), and also the Superman Returns movie. Of course the Star Wars Prequels I am sure I would have loved to hear his stories about these. These things have now become my favorites and I hope to pass them on to Mackenzie one day. I love Phantom of the Opera. The music and the story is beautiful. I watched Phantom of the Opera with him once the horror version with Robert Englund (From Nightmare on Elm Street). But never the true version of the movie or theater production. I think in alot of ways Adam thought of himself as sorta of a phantom. I still have his sketch book I would love to share. Perhaps I will make a scrapbook for Mackenzie about his father. That would be nice. While I still have these memories of them. Adam and I had a bad relationship almost from the go of things but I think in alot of ways i have justified his part in the wrong doing to myself due to sickness or whatever I don't know for sure but thats the only way to make peace with it. As far as my wrong doing I am not innocent. I have not made peace with myself. However I have learned from my experience and will not repeat the mistakes of the past. Thats the only way to make it right.

This Wraps up Vacation Bible School

Last night was the final night of Vacation Bible School. Skylar had a blast she really enjoyed herself all week. She sang anthems, songs, did a bible verse, bible stories, crafts and "P.E." I think the church we attended is really precious. I got so many compliments on Skylar's behavior and took a ton of videos and a few pictures. It was a great experience.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

military kids VS civilian kids♥

1. A Civilian child usually dances around or talks during the National Anthem. A military child stands quietly with his hand over his heart.

2. A civilian child sees race. A military child sees diversity.

3. A civilian child has a best friend in his hometown. A military child has a best friend on almost every continent.

4. A civilian child sees only the plane flying over. A military child not only can identify the type of plane flying but knows someone who works on them.

5. A civilian child smells something nasty and yells "eeewwww, what's that smell?". A military child smells something nasty and yells "M.O.P.P. 4! M.O.P.P. 4!!"

6. A civilian child sees a person in uniform. A military child can tell you what branch he's in and what his rank is.

7. A civilian child thinks home is where the heart is. A military child knows home is where the military sends you.

8. A civilian child lives for tomorrow and what it might bring. A military child lives for today for tomorrow Daddy might get called away again.

9. A civilian child gets to kiss mommy and daddy goodnight each night. A military child sometimes has to kiss a picture of daddy or mommy goodnight.

10. A civilian child talks on the phone for fun. A military child lives for the 15 minute phone calls once a week.

11. A civilian child can read and write in English. A military child can read and write in acronym.

12. A civilian child says "good-bye". A military child says "see you later".

13. A civilian child gets to see things other kids would love to see. A military child gets to see things world leaders would love to see.

14. A civilian child will probably go to the same school his entire life. A military child will probably change schools every 2 years.

15. A civilian child might rarely leave his hometown for anything other than vacation. A military child will rarely see his "hometown" for anything other than vacation.

16. And finally...a civilian child supports our soldiers. A military child is a soldier.

The next time you say a prayer for our troops, please say a prayer for their families, especially their children back home that are trying to be strong. If you don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them. Repost as "Military kids vs. Civi kids"

Civilian Wives VS. Military Wives

You complain that your boyfriend/ husband has worked late all week and have barely seen him.

*I look forward to the two weeks a year we spend together.

You complain because he doesn't call you enough.

*My heart is thankful for the 15 second phone call I got last Tuesday in the middle of the night!

You whine to you friends about how much you miss him already because he is on a two day trip with his parents.

*I haven't seen him for 7 months now

You don't feel like making love tonight because you are too tired.

*We will stay up all night because we don't know when it will be the last time.

Your boyfriend/husband belongs to you.

*Mine belongs to the government.

Your boyfriend/husband is training for his game next weekend.

*My boyfriend/husband is trained to kill. (and we find that romantic!)

It's just not practical for you to drive an hour to see him every weekend during school.

*He spends $700 dollars on a plane ticket just to see me 2 days!

You hate hanging up the phone when talking to him.

*My heart breaks because I won't talk to him for another 10 days.

You complain that he doesn't take enough time out of his life for you.

*My man has to get up in the middle of the night to talk with me because of the time difference. He doesn't complain.

Your man is in a bad mood from not sleeping much this week.

*My man ran 10 miles this morning at 4 in the morning and has a full day of work ahead of him. He's lucky if he gets a few hours of sleep!

Your boyfriend/husband can call in sick when he is tired or not feeling well.

*My man works no matter what!!

You don't trust him so you follow him places to see if he is telling the truth.

*I have no choice but to trust him and even then I trust him with my life.

You don't like him talking so sexually with his friends.

*My boyfriend/husband has to chant it in drills.

You check your phone, see you missed a call from him, and decide to call him back when you aren't so busy.

*I see a missed a call and cry, because I don't know when he can call again.

You might save a cute voice message from him.

*I save them all b/c it helps me to remember what his voice sounds like.

Being apart for a month to you seems daunting.

*A month apart for me is a wish that can't come true.

You wouldn't change schools to be close to him.

*I have to move to another country to be with him.

You have every part of him memorized.

*I study pictures so I don't forget what he looks like.

You take your time together for granted.

*We don't!!

Your cell phone bill was high this month from talking too much.

*He pays 20 cents a minute to call me..when he CAN call.

You love that fancy necklace he bought you/

*I refuse to take his dog tags off, and not a day goes by that I dont have them on...

You say you miss him.

*Times that by 20!

I really wish people would understand how hard it is for us girls who love someone in the military. You can't even begin to understand how much it hurts to be away from someone you love. To worry if he's eaten, slept..if he's sick, injured or worse...You also can't understand how amazing it feels to finally be with them. Every meeting feels like the first! And for all those girls out there thinking, "Well it was his choice to join." You are right, it was. But at least he had the balls to join!! And it's guys like him that keep us free and safe while we're at war. It might have been his choice to give up staying at home with the ones he loves, but it's that choice that makes him our hero and gives you the freedom of speech... He is America's hero! So, maybe now, you won't take your time with your man for granted, maybe you'll understand a little more how good you have it, because AT LEAST he is safe and in your arms.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Vacation Bible School

Christa before she moved suggested I take Skylar to her church for Vacation Bible School. Christa and Rachel attend church at this one place. So for the past three nights Skylar has been enthusastic, learning, excited and well behaved. She loves doing it. They are doing a theme called Game day Central. They learn verses, sing songs with dances, doing P.E. and a bunch of other things its greatest thing. I am sure Rachels totally tired. She's been helping out in her son's class who is also with Skylar! What a blast pictures and movies coming soon!

Ignorance is Bliss

I posted a bulletin on my myspace page. YES I am pro life and proud of it!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
So its propaganda so maybe it is! But its my belief. There are only 1% of reasons you could justify an abortion. So anyways I got some heat from my bulletin featuring some Late Term Abortion Photographs. If its disturbing it should be! I properly labeled it I am 99.9% against abortion Are you? Graphic Pics! No one had to open it but someone did and sent me a message. Telling me if I am going to use her myspace for my political agenda then she will remove me. I promptly removed her instead. No loss on my part. I don't feel like I am very friendly with her anyways. A RL friend of mine posted the same bulletin and so did other "Myspace" Friends. My RL friend got heat for it as well. Oh well neither of us really cared. I didn't even care enough to argue my point. I am NOT using her Myspace. WTF does Abortion have to do with Politics last time I checked it was more Religously fueled than Politics. Doesn't matter In my opinion she never had to open it sorry to rain on her parade that I sent her some disturbing pictures. PFFT. Ah I have lost some interest in this topic. Since I was so fueled up in the past two days now I am cooled down and on to bigger and better fish to fry :C)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Horoscope for 6/18

Horoscopes for Monday,
June 18, 2007

Be careful not to react too soon to someone's urgent cries for help today. Chances are, this is a textbook case of 'crying wolf' -- or this person may have a very distorted sense of what 'urgent' really means. Either way, he or she wants attention but doesn't really need help -- and you don't have time to deal with this sort of immaturity right now. Let the drama distract someone else. You have real obligations and responsibilities to take care of.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day Rick

Rick had a pretty good fathers day I think :) We went to Big Spring park for awhile and listened to some Jazz. There was a duck not feeling well. It bothered me enough to leave. I don't know if she didn't feel good, injured, or was trying to lay eggs but she definately wasn't well. Then there was some dead fish in the fountains and THAT bothered me because I was so proud of this park. Oh well Then home for some backyard fun. Skylar and I got him a nice frame.

Fergie Big Girls Don't Cry

Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
Your probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself and center clarity
Peace, Serenity

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I’ve got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry

The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps until I'm full grown, full grown
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
[Big Girls Don't Cry lyrics on]

And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry

Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
Ill be your best friend and you'll be mine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
Cause I want to hold yours too
Well be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But its time for me to go home
Its getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself and center clarity
Peace, Serenity

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry

La Da Da Da Da Da

Lindsey Haun Broken

Artist: Lindsey Haun Lyrics
Song: Broken Lyrics
Wake up to a sunny day, not a cloud up in the sky
Then it starts to rain, my defenses hit the ground
And they shatter all around, so open and exposed
I found strength in the struggle
Face to face with my trouble

When you're broken in a million little pieces
And you're trying but you can't hold on anymore
Every tear falls down for a reason
Don't you stop believing in yourself
When you're broken

Little girl don't be so blue
I know what you're going through
Don't let it beat you up
Heaven knows that getting scars
Only makes you who you are
Only makes you who you are
No matter how much your heart is aching
There is beauty in the breaking

When you're broken in a million little pieces
And you're trying but you can't hold on anymore
Every tear falls down for a reason
Don't you stop believing in yourself
When you're broken

Better days are gonna find you once again
Every piece will find its place

When you're broken, when you're broken

When you're broken in a million little pieces
And you're trying but you can't hold on anymore
Every tear falls down for a reason
Don't you stop believing in yourself
When you're broken
Oh, when you're broken
When you're broken
When you're broken

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Parents Night Out

Every Month the Child Care on post has Parents Night Out. Rick and I went to go see Spiderman 3. Pretty good movie not one of the best. Of course Venom is one of my favorite bad guys. Bruce Campbell is seemingly the Nerd God. Sam Raimi is probably alot like his brother Ted.. In this movie Sam directed and wrote the screen play and Ted acted. Ted was in SeaQuest DSV and played Nerd 101! LOL So if Bruce Campbell is in every Sam movie at some point my guess is the nerds worship their god lol. Not a bad actor maybe just bad roles?
I did love the effects made me a bit thoughtful of the past.
We went to a bar and I sipped my LIT but didn't drink it like usual because I am so tired. Rick had a craving for ice cream so we brought home Dairy Queen.



"I'm thankful for my health, my childhood, and spell check.
I'm thankful for a new hot-water tank and how we no longer have to coordinate our dishwashing with our bathing.
I'm thankful for the wide range of flavors potato chips come in - mesquite barbecue in particular.
For platform shoes.
For coincidences.
I'm thankful for all the people who ever left, in those dishes by the cashier, a penny I later used.
That I don't know everything that people say behind my back.
I'm thankful I was born after the advent of indoor plumbing, and after the popularity of corsets.
I'm thankful for insect repellent, nonstick pans, and Velcro.
I'm thankful that people in real life don't spontaneously break into song like they do in musicals,
and that some weeds look like flowers,
and that at the end of a really bad day there is sleep.
I'm thankful for maybe."
- Adapted from Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, by Amy Crouse Rosenthal


A gulf may continue to grow between your head and your heart. You may be quite sure of yourself and know what you want to do, but sensitivity to someone else's needs prevents you from forging ahead with your plan. There is no need to change your mind about what you want. Live with the dilemma for now until you find a bridge across the chasm.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Surrounded by Love and Peace

Trying to bring out the peaceful and happy side and think postively. I've had alot of Earth Angels in my life I think God brought them to me and they fullfilled their job during the time I need them. I lost two friend this week. One I just don't think is a healthy relationship and the other had to move away. The one who I didn't have a healthy relationship maybe she's one of those Angels she had her presence in my life when I needed her now I don't need her so much (I HOPE!) The one that moved away she's a saint and a blessing for me introducing me to my new life and taking me in her wings. Now the baby birds time to fly. Rick's leaving me soon for a short time compared to a lifetime (THINKING POSTIVE) This little birds gotta learn to fly on her own some. Sure she's gonna have a few crash landings but she can fly! I believe in it! Today I wanted to go for a walk so Rick, Skylar and I went for a short walk. Shorter than planned we stopped near the end of our street. Two people who are in his unit live there. Across the street from each other. One I call her Redstone's Claudia Joy (Army Wives Reference)her husbands been deployed multiple times in their marriage and she just seems to have alot of life experience one to look up to and learn from. Anyways we stopped there. Skylar kept herself occupied with the twin girls her age. I didn't know it then but I needed that conversation with Linda. She aint that old but I betcha she is wise in some ways :C)
Maybe this bird even though she's just stretching her own wings can bring some help to someone else.
So on to this little bird (myself) to stretch her wings. Get to practicing and spread her wings out and fly with just her little shadow following behind :)

What Went Wrong June 15, 2007 Myspace Blog

I am careful not to two face Olenka very careful. I am so tempted to be vengeful now I can't even tell you!

As I see it during my relationship with Donnie he would just basically never fix a problem it would creep up and be worse than before. I used to tell him you can't put salt on a wound and cover it with a band aid and expect the problem to go away. If your not working to fix it, heal it, correct it in some type of way the wound is just gonna come back ten fold. Same thing happening here...

MY Side of the story is that Olenka would get PMS and take things out on me. She would have a bad day and take things out on me. These are things she has recognized! She admitted to it and got on medication!

So last month we had our falling out and Olenka had her temper tantrum. She came back. But I don't think she ever admitted to herself there was a problem there.

First of all its my own problem and Olenka may sense it is her issue with TTCing. Since I have never been that desperate to TTC I let nature take its course...Maybe I don't understand her desperation.... No I don't understand why you need to take THAT many over the counter tests..I don't understand getting a positive pregnancy test that CAN'T be wrong that its a blood test from a doctors office and still taking over the counter tests... I don't understand one minute Olenka will tell me we aren't TTCing this month because we have a creditor that we have to take care of. Or after the Chemical pregnancy in May she said we aren't going to get as crazy. I am not going to test like that anymore then in June and turn around and do nothing different in may. In my honest opinion I think that your just setting yourself up for disappointment if you use an over the counter test before your period is due. Your setting yourself up for injury if you know that you just had a chemical pregnancy and and that you have never known it happened if you wouldn't test so early. So why not learn from your mistake and not do it the next month? Why not find out WHY? Before you cause your self mental and physical damage or worse?? I was worried that she was bordering on Obsession. I didn't know how to tell her without coming across as not being supportive. I just told her I was concerned. She agreed she needed to speak to her doctor about it.

Earlier this week. I've already told you on the phone but She texted me and said Gabby had pink eye I woke up that morning and texted her back and said How did she get that? I hope she feels better. She said It lingered from Lauren when she had it. I was like oh use lysol. She's like I do clean! (something like that) and then I said Ouch! Like that and she's like take back your attitude ignoring the fact that you got attitude with me and my feelings aren't important. Something about like you made it feel like I don't clean. Then I had to recover by saying I didn't say you didn't clean you can bust your ass cleaning but Lysol is made for germs.

Then the cat got sick... Cara (She's been a constant bitch to me in the past month or two) and some other chick were saying that Olenka's cat could have gotten ahold of some rat poison. So I knew Olenka hadn't had time to read her email so I said Friends Of Jilly thinks that it could have been Rat poison... She said Rats? I haven't seen rats? I said it could have been the previous renter. I said... I remember when you moved in how much you had to clean and you had to treat a roach problem. It could also be that but doubtful and unlikely since its been so long. I brought the discussion back into Friends of Jilly and mentioned that I talked to Olenka by IM about the conversation with the cat. Cara's response is Aren't We just the fountain of Knowledge? My response to that Aren't we just taking Jennifer's job as the group bitch? Then Cara and this other person (Another Jennifer) started talking about how Olenka just moved I said no she's lived in the same place for 3 years. They were like oh we have to be Olenka's BFF to know... Hardy har har... Olenka signed on saying that she had lived there 2 years 2 months. Olenka never came back and defended me after I defended her! Olenka just told me that's the way Cara is...

Then the mess with Kristin coming to Friends Of Jilly. I have moderator rights so I had wanted Kristin in Friends of Jilly for sometime and I wanted an ally. I had asked Jilly some time ago and never got a response. When Kristin & I spoke about it again. I discovered I had moderator rights so I went ahead and sent an FYI to the group and sent you the invite to join. I would have never invited Kristin if she was a total stranger to everyone but me but I figured since she was what I assumed friends with Olenka. And Friendly with Danielle you could join.
Then this is what happened after that...
..> ScrapinLover..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = AIM /><..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:39:42 AM): is Kristin going to be a lurker or actual email with the group?
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:42:07 AM): I assume she will take part in the discussions. Life is slowing down during the Summer since she doesn't have to teach. She is more uncomfortable in the TTC group that's why she didn't participate as much. I don't think that's a good question to be asking me ...because I can't promise you one way or another
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:41:28 AM): I think it is the proper question to ask
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:42:38 AM): but how do I know the answer
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:42:49 AM): shouldn't you ask her?
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:42:05 AM): I don't think she should be in their and you should not have let her in until you got the actual word kwim
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:42:29 AM): I hope she participates in this group
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:43:42 AM): ok well I will let Jilly make that call..
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:42:58 AM): did you already invite her in?
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:44:02 AM): yes
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:43:10 AM): so you didn't give jilly a chance?
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:44:22 AM): I asked Jilly over a month ago and didn't get a response
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:43:33 AM): then that is a no I would assume
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:44:47 AM): well then Remove her Olenka
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:44:56 AM): I will explain my hasiteness to her myself
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:44:34 AM): kristy im not getting an attitude im asking you
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:44:36 AM): pardon me
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:45:47 AM): asking me what?
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (9:44:55 AM): NEVERMIND

In my opinion I think Olenka shouldn't have asked me if you were going to lurk that is something she should ask you How the HELL am I supposed to know honestly? It just seemed to be a jab in the first place at you and starting a fight with me? The your IM started...

ScrapinLover [10:47 AM]: Kristin
ScrapinLover [10:47 AM]: I have to delete you from Friendzofjilly until the group owner okays your membership
ScrapinLover [10:48 AM]: Im sorry you should never have been sent an invite until jilly approved
ScrapinLover [10:48 AM]: another question will you be active in the group because these ladies do not like lurkers
ScrapinLover [10:48 AM]: also kristy told me you were uncomfortable in the ttc group I will remove you if you like
ScrapinLover [10:49 AM]: I qould have appreciated it if you would have came to me and told me I don't want you feeling uncomfortable
ClassyMom619 [10:50 AM]: I never said I didn't want to be in the TTC group
ClassyMom619 [10:50 AM]: I just haven't rejoined because I'm still reloading my computer and busy with the kids
ScrapinLover [10:51 AM]: I understand that babe kristy tole me you wereuncomfortable in it
ScrapinLover [10:51 AM]: so I was cming to you
ClassyMom619 [10:51 AM]: It fine, you can delete me from Jilly's group. You know I don't know what I did to you, but I have nothing but love for you. I don't deserve to be talked to like this. If you and Kristy are having problems, that's between the two of you. Has nothing to do with me
ScrapinLover [10:52 AM]: I wasn't talking to you in any way babe I was telling you that she should not have invited you until she got the word from kristy
ScrapinLover [10:52 AM]: jilly I mean
ScrapinLover [10:52 AM]: im sorry if you feel that I was talking to you bad I was not
ScrapinLover [10:52 AM]: I was merely saying what I said
ClassyMom619 [10:52 AM]: I also mean about the TTC group'
ScrapinLover [10:52 AM]: I wont delete you just lets wait to see what jilly says
ScrapinLover [10:52 AM]: OOH well she told me you were uncomfortable I had no idea you were not even in there
ClassyMom619 [10:52 AM]: You KNOW why I would feel a little uncomfortable, but I am always nice to the girls there
ScrapinLover [10:53 AM]: I don't know
ScrapinLover [10:53 AM]: why you would
ClassyMom619 [10:53 AM]: The TTC group
ScrapinLover [10:53 AM]: yeah
ClassyMom619 [10:53 AM]: Hmmmm...maybe because my body doesn't want to kick start and I'm getting older, so it's a little depressing
ClassyMom619 [10:53 AM]: But I am always happy for those that it does work out for
ScrapinLover [10:54 AM]: right I understand that your body is misbehaving mommas but why would that be uncomfortable
ScrapinLover [10:54 AM]: a lot are having problems kwim
ClassyMom619 [10:54 AM]: I would have come to you about it if it was an issue in the TTC group, but it's not so there was no reason to
ScrapinLover [10:54 AM]: okay well wen she told me that I wanted to come to you n ask you like I difd
ScrapinLover [10:55 AM]: ScrapinLover [10:49 A.M.]: also kristy told me you were uncomfortable in the ttc group I will remove you if you like
ScrapinLover [10:55 AM]: I did not come to u with an attitude
ScrapinLover [10:55 AM]: I was asking you
ClassyMom619 [10:55 AM]: No please don't once I finish loading stuff up the next couple of days I will rejoin
ClassyMom619 [10:55 AM]: It just sounded like it
ScrapinLover [10:55 AM]: great now your mad at me when I was not even getting an atyitutde
ClassyMom619 [10:56 AM]: I'm not mad at anyone, I thought you were with me
ScrapinLover [10:56 AM]: im sorry you thought that
ScrapinLover [10:56 AM]: better go
ScrapinLover signed off at 10:56 AM

Yes it was like WTF? When she didn't understand why Kristin was uncomfortable in the TTC group? Then again she is that way toward someone else and talks behind her back as well.

Date: 6/14/2007 9:51:24 AM
Subject: Re: Olenka's IM

Yes I know about the IM I had it with you I said nevermind because you there was no reason to discuss it further you were not understanding what I was saying I would rather tell you on the phone later then by im cuz it is always confusing on im and text with you

Date: 6/14/2007 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Olenka's IM

..> We have undescribable tension right now. I left Friends of Jilly because I am tired of the drama in that group and the cliques and whatever other problems they have. That's mainly the reason I invited Kristin in the first place to be my ally. So I don't know what to do about the tension and I am sorry for causing my part.

Date: 6/14/2007
Subject: I left the group DND
For one I got way sick of every time I open my mouth Cara pulls her shit. I know ya'll are all little group but I am sick and fucking tired of being jumped on and I choose not to be abused especially online. Only for Olenka to say well that's Cara for ya! Then it was Well that's Jennifer for ya...
Secondly I asked you a month ago if a mutual friend of Olenka (so I thought), Danielle and mine could join FOJ I never heard back from you I asked you again this morning and got your away message. I discovered I still had Mod rights so I invited her myself! Why ask someone when you can do it yourself right? Better to ask forgiveness than permission? Then Olenka is doing her usual thing and saying she didn't approve her first @@ whatever the fuck that's about.
It used to be every time I opened my mouth Jennifer was there to bitch and now its Cara. It seems when my "best friend" buddies up with someone else they hate my guts. I don't know what the fuck the deal is with that but right now I am trying to work on my own crap with Olenka without Cara, Jennifer, Jane, Joe Blow or any fucking body else involved.
Yes I sent my swap gift to Brianna. Yes I would still like my swap gift back. Call me a bitch or whatever but I fulfilled my part twice and I am getting jacked in the process.
I think its a joke people gang up on other people. I think this group is having some even if a little effect on my relationship.
No offense to you or anyone else.

Oh yes and if Kristin isn't already removed she would also like to leave a place she isn't welcomed by someone she thought to be a friend.

There is a typo in there that would leave someone to assume that I wanted my gift back from Brianna who just gave birth to a premature baby girl and was having complications. THAT IS SO NOT ME!

..> From:
Date: 6/14/2007 10:31:48 AM
Subject: Re: Olenka's IM

Completely understand.. Due to *tension* please remove me from bmc as member and owner I can not do it anymore

..> From: Kristy Stevens
Date: 6/14/2007 11:30:54 AM
Subject: Re: Olenka's IM

..> ..> Remove yourself from yahoo groups Olenka I am busy spending time with my friends and my husband who is going to war in a month I can't deal with this right now out of respect for me. I am just honest.

..> From:
Date: 6/14/2007 11:58:38 AM
Subject: Re: I left the group DND

In a message dated 6/14/2007 11:09:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
It used to be every time I opened my mouth Jennifer was there to bitch and now its Cara. It seems when my "best friend" buddies up with someone else they hate my guts. I don't know what the fuck the deal is with that but right now I am trying to work on my own crap with Olenka without Cara, Jennifer, Jane, Joe Blow or any fucking body else involved.
Yes I sent my swap gift to Brianna. Yes I would still like my swap gift back. Call me a bitch or whatever but I fulfilled my part twice and I am getting jacked in the process.
I think its a joke people gang up on other people. I think this group is having some even if a little effect on my relationship.
No offense to you or anyone else.

Oh yes and if Kristin isn't already removed she would also like to leave a place she isn't welcomed by someone she thought to be a friend.
OMG!!!!! What the hell went down?????? I am so lost!!!! I didn't know there was a new person but I made you and Olenka co owners so you could invite others at your discretion. Im sorry things went sour. I have a family member dying so I have not been home and I have not got my emails until now. I am close to 1000 emails. This is insane. So what did Cara do? Was it something within the loop? Was she doing it to you or the new Mom in the loop? I guess I have to start reading all the emails. Ugh! You Drama Mommas give me a run for my money. ..

..> From: Kristy Stevens
Date: 6/14/2007 1:27:26 PM
Subject: Re: I left the group DND

..> ..> A person such as myself with the amount of stress I am under (Friends Leaving, Family, and my husband going to war) I can only handle so much more crap on my plate. Thanks to all this COMPUTER BS I can't even be in a good enough mood to spend time with a close friend and let Skylar play over there with her best friend before the leave tomorrow. I can't point out every example of how Cara is a bitch. But its basically how it went down with Jennifer for some reason. Someone said that Olenka's kitten was sick due to poisoning. So I talked to Olenka about it and her response was "I Don't have rats?" I said I know but maybe previous renters could have left some poison some where. Then I reminded her when she moved in how well she cleaned but she had to treat a roach problem. I told the group about my discovery that Olenka doesn't remember any rats but she may have had some bug poison out. Then I mentioned that probability of Angel getting a hold of the poison versus the other 9 cats was unlikely. That she's lived in her apartment for 3 years (or close to it) Cara and then someone began to make comments to me like "Aren't you just a fountain of knowledge?" "We aren't Olenka's BFF so we wouldn't know" Sarcastic Smart ass comments like that Two people including Cara said that Olenka just moved a couple of months ago and I said no. I was right she said herself 2 years 2 months.
This all went down yesterday before Kristin the newbie joined today. She actually wanted to join awhile back when we were having the cloth diaper discussion during that time.

Jilly I am sorry for the illness your Aunt is going through. I am sorry for your loss and that you have to deal with this at this time.
I feel like I love Olenka TO DEATH and it just hurts me that much more when she is hurting and it feels like she is taking it out on me. It hurts me more to know that she is hurting herself. Or that she is hurting so deeply inside.

Sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense I am having trouble with my mind going in a million directions, my emotions all over the place, and everything else

I then forwarded this email thread to Olenka. So I wouldn't be "talking behind her back" I wouldn't be accused of anything other than what I said. Whatever would rub Olenka the wrong way.

..> From:
Date: 6/14/2007 5:52:44 PM
Subject: THE IM regarding bris gift n yours

ScrapinLover [6:44 P.M.]: I know your busy and all but I will NOT ask Brianna to send that gift back to you you want the money back send me how much you paid for it and I will send you all the money. BTW I am your swap partner and your gift is ready to be sent Now if you still want the money back for briannas gift I will send you that but I will not send you both because that would be wrong. So you choose the money for the gift you bought for BRI or you I can send you your swap gift. You decide!!! I can not believe you would ask

This is your box let me know before I spend more money to ship it

..> From:
Date: 6/14/2007 6:06:22 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Re: I left the group DND

In a message dated 6/14/2007 2:29:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
With Olenka without Cara, Jennifer, Jane, Joe Blow or any fucking body else involved.
Yes I sent my swap gift to Brianna. Yes I would still like my swap gift back. Call me a bitch or whatever but I fulfilled my part twice and I am getting jacked in the process.
I think its a joke people gang up on other people. I think this group is having some even if a little effect on my relationship.
No offense to you or anyone else.

..> From: Kristy Stevens
Date: 6/14/2007 6:15:26 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Re: I left the group DND

..> ..> Olenka its a typo ok? I would never be that big of a bitch to make someone like what Brianna is going through send me that back. Lot of good it would me. She needs it more than I do with her new arrival. Hate me all you want call me a bitch all you want... That's fine... I have nothing else to say anymore I am drained...

ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (5:45:03 PM): I know your busy and all but I will NOT ask Brianna to send that gift back to you you want the money back send me how much you paid for it and I will send you all the money. BTW I am your swap partner and your gift is ready to be sent Now if you still want the money back for briannas gift I will send you that but I will not send you both because that would be wrong. So you choose the money for the gift you bought for BRI or you I can send you your swap gift. You decide!!! I can not believe you would ask
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:04:31 PM): just send the gift I told Jilly that in the email
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:03:59 PM): the one email you said you wanted it back I don't know what you told jilly im going off the email that you fwded to me
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:05:35 PM): that's not what it said Olenka
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:04:54 PM): Yes I sent my swap gift to Brianna. Yes I would still like my swap gift back. Call me a bitch or whatever but I fulfilled my part twice and I am getting jacked in the process.
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:04:59 PM): that is what you said
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:06:04 PM): Yes I sent my swap gift to Brianna. Yes I would still like my swap gift back Meaning I would like my gift sorry if its misunderstood

ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:05:29 PM): that is not what you fwded me
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:05:34 PM): why would that be you being a bitch then
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:07:13 PM): Your misunderstanding just send whatever you bought but its really up to you
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:06:41 PM): I must be bad at understanding your words then
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:07:06 PM): the you being a bitch is what made it sound like that hmm
ArmyKnightsGal<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:08:56 PM): you have your opinion
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:08:13 PM): I do along with others who took it the same way
ScrapinLover<..timestamp style="DISPLAY: inline; FONT-SIZE: 11px"> (6:08:23 PM): good bye
ScrapinLover went away at 6:49:17 PM.
ScrapinLover returned at 7:43:12 PM.
ScrapinLover signed off at 9:13:08 PM.
ScrapinLover is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

..> From: Kristy Stevens
Date: 6/14/2007 6:13:26 PM
Subject: Clarifying myself

..> ..> Jilly you nor I have time for this right now but to make myself more clear since Olenka isn't clear on it....
I DO NOT want Brianna's gift back or anything back from Brianna.. I would NEVER EVER EVER do that!
I just meant I still wanted my gift. Now I am not so sure if I want anything :(

..> From:
Date: 6/15/2007 9:09:07 AM
Subject: Re: Clarifying myself

In a message dated 6/14/2007 7:13:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Jilly you nor I have time for this right now but to make myself more clear since Olenka isn't clear on it....
I DO NOT want Brianna's gift back or anything back from Brianna.. I would NEVER EVER EVER do that!
I just meant I still wanted my gift. Now I am not so sure if I want anything :(
Huh? Did you ask Olenka for the gift back? I know your swap buddy has your stuff already and may have mailed it out too. You will get something. I am sorry you felt my loop was causing problems at home. I did not see that. I saw a bunch of great girls just being honest to one another.

..> From:
Date: 6/14/2007 6:16:51 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: I left the group DND

In a message dated 6/14/2007 7:15:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
..> Olenka its a typo ok? I would never be that big of a bitch to make someone like what Brianna is going through send me that back. Lot of good it would me. She needs it more than I do with her new arrival. Hate me all you want call me a bitch all you want... That's fine... I have nothing else to say anymore I am drained...
That is why I was asking you and according to Jilly you said enough about me so I can see why you would be drained!!

..> From:
Date: 6/15/2007 9:28:43 AM
Subject: Fwd: [Waitin4theStork] DND please

..> Whether you care or not I just want my conscience clear...

At work siggy

..> From:
Date: 6/15/2007 9:26:56 AM
Subject: [Waitin4theStork] DND please

..> ..~-|**|PrettyHtmlStartT|**|-~-->


I am very sorry to say I will be kicking out Kristy once more! I am terribly sorry to those that are her friends here I have talked to the owner and have gotten permisson due to the recent events that have come! I no longer wish to associate myself with someone who lies and acts like a victim while all along is being 2 faced! And that is why I am waiting for this email to come through in order to kick her out because I am not going to stoop as low as she has by talking behind her back like she is doing to me!

If you want to leave because of me kicking her out Im sorry I will miss you but what she has done and has asked is just unimaginable! If you want to know email me and I will let you know what she has asked and even though you say it was a typo kristy I am sorry I do not believe it!

Sorry to kick you out again. You are not welcomed back

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Something I really needed to see

God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Can I be someone I am not?

I am really struggling with this. One of my close friends has some issues right now and we seem to have alot of tension. So I want to bite my lip and say I am sorry even if I have nothing to be sorry for. But thats not me! I can't bring myself to do it. Even though I know she's having issues and taking it out on me. I am not used to backing down and apologizing for nothing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just when I thought

Donnie fell of the face of the earth he showed up on Windows Live messenger and yes I let him talk to Skylar. Tinkerbell is 8 weeks old today and doing well gets frisky at bedtime lol. Not much to write about tonight and its late...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Things to ponder...

* A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you're in deep water.

* How come it takes so little time for a child who is afraid of the dark
to become a teenager who wants to stay out all night?

* Business conventions are important because they demonstrate how many
people a company can operate without.

* Why is it that at class reunions you feel younger than everyone else

* Scratch a dog and you'll find a permanent job.

* No one has more driving ambition than the boy who wants to buy a car.

* There are worse things than getting a call for a wrong number at 4 AM.
It could be a right number.

* No one ever says, "It's only a game," when his team is winning.

* Money will buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail.

* The nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow.

* If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at

* Seat belts are not as confining as wheelchairs.

* I've reached the age where happy hour is a nap.

* Be careful reading the fine print. There's no way you're going to like it.

* The trouble with bucket seats is that not everybody has the same size

* To err is human, to forgive -- highly unlikely.

* Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have thousands of old ladies
running around with tattoos? This is way scary.

* Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comfortable to cry
in a Corvette than in a Yugo.

* After a certain age, if you don't wake up aching in every joint, you
are probably dead.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Toe Jam OUCH

The other day... I was playing with Rick running down the hall and I tripped over Skylar her big toe went and broke skin on the bottom side of my foot it broke a chunk of her toe nail she bled I bled it was ouchy!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

What Junk!

So we went Yard Selling today. I stopped at a few got some steals got some deals. Mostly junk toys for Skylar. Good deals on dolls (barbies and polly pocket stuff) She always manages to con people out of freebies. LOL I have inquired about an American Girl Doll Collection for sale and doing some doll house networking :) APB: Skylar needs EVERYTHING for her traditional doll house lol. I got her a bulletin cork board I am going to cover with fabric and hang in her room. Rick got him a dirt cheap desk chair. Oh yes and Skylar got the much needed scooter... Nah she didn't need it

Friday, June 8, 2007

Note to my Groups and Friends

Rick is officially clearing now/ On leave so my time will be some what limited My IM's are always on (armyknightsgal) I just may not answer immediately. My honey will leave in a month UGH! (for about two years)
James called out sick today can we kill him? Skylar's high on red dye!!
new and improved taggy....

Prayer List

Everyone's heard of a prayer journal?
Prayer Journaling
Prayer Journal = a spiritual diary. A place to record God’s responses to your requests, thoughts, feelings, and insights. A way of remembering God’s activity in your life; a way of holding yourself accountable to spiritual maturity.

I want to use part of my Blogger and yet I may make a 3rd blogger for the religous aspect. But I would like to take time out and record a list of people in my prayers and thoughts and exactly what the defintion above says to be thankful and remember the goodness in my life.

Starting today Starting with My Prayer list
* I want to say a prayer for a friend who is seemingly just setting herself up for disappointment and in my view a masochist. I pray that her pain is short lived and she finally gets some validity. If not then she can get the help she needs to feel certain about herself and stop hurting herself. Unspoken Prayers for her.
* I pray for the friends and family and my school mates of the lost soldier I know.
* My Friend Christa will be moving in a week. I would like to say safe travels to her family and love being where she is going. She will be missed! Prayers of safety and happiness for them.
* My Friend Racquel living in a new country with new adventures I think its a great opportunity for her and her little one Addison.
* saying a prayer for 3 year old Hutch. Recently diagnosed with Acute Lymph anemia Leukemia. A friend of one of my daughters playmates.
* A Special prayer for my friend Jess who is going through some challenging times and decisions she needs to make in her life and just some things that really get her down sometimes. She's also trying to loose weight. I wish her the best.
* My friend Stephanie. Boy God has really trusted her alot with all he has put on her plate. her second angel Isaiah 2 years old is fighting rare liver cancer called Hepatoblastoma stage IV. She also had preemie twins. Astrid & Alazay. I think they will be ok but Preemies always need lots of prayers and TLC. Its scary for mommies.
* Kristin. She's the closest thing to a saint I probably know. She deserves the world on a platter. Both of her little angels have their life challenges and both prevail with such strength. I am certain they get that from their mother and father. Now Kristin and Peter pray they can add a new baby into their lives.
* Angie & Lindsay. Unspoken Prayers for both.
* My friend Jilly has on going medical problems
* Princess Madison (
* My friend Paula who is an inspiration to me please pray for her medical problems.
As Always Please Keep Our Troops Safe and in Your Prayers (especially mine LOL)
pray for our entire family.
* Pray for the McIntosh Family and Mackenzie always!
* I would like to lift my children up in prayer. To always keep Mackenzie safe and sound and that his momma can see him soon. For Skylar... that she stay just the way she is healthy and safe :C)
* Always remember in prayer all the children that are troubled or even the ones that are safe. The women who are pregnant and the babies they carry and answers they search for.
* All my friends and their families that they stay safe and I praise him for them for I don't know what I would do without my little web network.
* Prayers of everyone that are unspoken and unanswered.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


This evening we walked to the end of the post and Skylar rode her new bike. I had a good day and Rick ditched work pretty much lol one more day and he is on official leave. Today...Loves IT!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Matthew

Happy Birthday to Mackenzie, Matthew, Cherish, Phebe and This Month Nic, Jess, and Christa and my mom...
The Party was great I got to see all my sister's friends who are like family I've known them for boo coo's of years. Matthew looks so grown I barely recognized him maybe its the lack of bowl cut lol
Matthew's Birthday Pictures

What Is Your Star Wars Horoscope?

Star Wars Horoscope for Aries

Like many aries, you have demonstrated your penchant for inflicting pain.
You feel you are at the center of the universe and that you must be in control.
You enjoy being a leader... and you find that your aggression and quick temper serve you well.

Star wars character you are most like: The Emperor

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

White Butterflies

I don't know where I saw it. But I heard it somewhere. I passed it on to Mackenzie. I told Mackenzie that when he saw a white butterfly that was me thinking of him and when I would see one I knew he was thinking of me as well. Well there are two floating around in my yard almost daily. I love watching them while I am out there. There are specifically two of them.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Totally Random

Well Matthew's party seemed to go over smoothly. I got to see alot of people I wanted to see all but one really. Realistically that is... Matthew is grown so I barely recognized him. Skylar got her feelings hurt she is used to her favorite cousins one on one attention. I drove more than 3 hours to get there Rick drove 1 for a total of 4. I was so tired I let Rick drive the 3 hours back. Now Sunday and today my hips have hurt.

Yesterday we went Grocery shopping and we baked Apple Pie for Jess's birthday. I knew Ashley planned on baking her a cake so I thought I would be different. There goes Jess's diet plans we love her just the way she is hehe. I hope she enjoyed her fresh apple pie almost from scratch :) I fucked it up but who would know lol.

Today I had a dentist appointment I guess they did a deep cleaning on a portion of my mouth for a whopping $50. Now I need a molar repaired and they want $1000 for it
I was lazy most of the day just watching Tinker Bell play. She is happier when she can just play instead of being a play toy for Skylar. Poor Kitty. Then we went to Rosie's Cantina and its yummy then I bought some stuff from target and some things to work on my scrapbook projects.

Umm I forgot what I was going to write cleaverly lol.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Our Misadventures in London... Broil

I had London Broil years ago. Adam's mom said its easy to cook marinate and broil. So we bought some today... I was marinating it and I noticed the sticker said Pot Roast I said hmm. I personally don't like the taste of Pot Roast or texture. Make me Pot Roast I love it... but I just eat the veggies lol. So Rick went to go cook it and I said you got to put it on the broil pan on broil and it cooks in about 15 minutes (according to the sign at the store) Rick then thought the broiler part of the over is the shelf underneath. I said no no no. I had it marinating in a plastic bag but I stuck it in a dish and he was asking if he was supposed to broil it in the dish. I was like noo on the broil pan for 8-10 minutes lol. Well Skylar says Dinner is ready! I go in there and he said he had to finish by nuking it. I thought he meant broccoli so I asked him. He said it wouldn't finish cooking it was read so I stuck it in the microwave. I said no no no you can't nuke uncooked meat. James was to his defense and said he just finished cooking it in the Microwave. I said I heard him James but you can't do that lol. You have to thaw and cook meat at the time recommended or else you get sick. Rick was talking about he still thinks the broil is the self under the oven. James is like NO! lol Then Rick started pointing the finger at me for letting him cook something he never cooked before. I was like Rick I don't feel good! James quickly put back his part of the meet lol. Rick then dumped the meet out lmao.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mackenzie, Matthew, Cherish and Phebe!

I went to Adairsville today to see Cherish and family she had a birthday party for Matthew his birthday was actually on the 24th. We had a good time long drive. I drove most of the way there :) Share pictures later...

Friday, June 1, 2007

News and New additions

On Wednesday Skylar's New Little Mermaid Bike Was delievered. Rick put it together then off to Birmingham. I didn't sleep well on Tuesdaysand had a realllly long day Wednesday. Wednesday, Rick had a recheck in Birmingham since he had surgery on his ear. They called Tuesday to tell us they needed to move back the appointment 15 minutes. No biggie of course but I knew it was a bad sign. Birmingham is a hour and a half to two hour drive from RSA. We got there 15 minutes early and he signed in. They did not call us back till FIVE o'clock! I was furious. Plus keeping Skylar entertained and just everything wasn't going right! We finally got out of there a little later. Rick's hearing wasn't getting better they cleaned his ears out and its not as clogged but there isn't a huge noticeable difference in his ears. Its going to take three months by that time he will be in Kansas for training *sigh* lovely. I won't get to enjoy it.

Thursday we went with Jess and her boys to the NASA Space and Rocket Museum. That was pretty neat. The Museum for the most part is a waste for the kids since its just a big history lesson but they had rides and different things Skylar was interested in.

Today as in my blog before we went Kitten Hunting and we have a new fur baby. 6 week old Tinkerbell. Her Birthday is April 17th. She's a mostly lovey kitten who just wants to cuddle with Lightening and Lightening hisses and runs away and hides. Lightening is pretty mad at everyone but James and won't let me pet her. She ran into our closet and Tink just sat at the door way and just looked at Lightening like aww I wanna be friends. Lightening just sat back and rumbled. I gave her the new treats. So Lightening will calm down in the next few weeks I don't think she will be mean to Tink though. Tink does seem to be adjusting some what. She likes her bed and right now she is cuddled in my office chair beside me. She is starting to learn the litter box and is chowing down on food. She's skiddish and shy but thats just to learn her place. She will play with Skylar at times but Skylar's very Elimirish.

James working his second day at the on post Burger King. He likes the new kitten and is worried about him over all its a mood change for him Good THINGS!

New Kitten Hunting

New Kitten Hunting. Sure is stressful.. Ok for me its stressful lmao. I haven't had a kitten since 2000 and I have no idea what a new a young kitten needs that our 10 year old Grumpy pants already has. Speaking of Grumpy Pants I mean Lightening. I am so afraid to come home and Lightening will have laid the smack down on the kitten and hurt it. Not to mention the lady I am dealing with seems almost vague about everything oh well I am looking at other prospects as well.