Monday, December 17, 2018

The Misadventures of Bella's second life- a chapter about Autism

I admit I used to blog more regularly but over there years I have come to realize the impact blogging about the family has on my adult step children and now all my children are old enough to read and understand my blogs. Its out there for their friends to read as well. 

With that being said I specifically asked my 9 year old if I could write a blog about our Autism journey and he said its okay. 

Today I was told that my son's need for routine isn't healthy. That in adulthood/society wouldn't allow for concessions for people like William.

First of all most human's thrive on routine period. Most adults would get upset and throw a fit if their check didn't come in when they expected it, When a service wasn't provided of anything, Who doesn't have issues when they are late and stuck in traffic? Hmm? 

Secondly what is different about a person that can't walk and they get a handicap sticker and special parking spot. A person who uses a wheel chair gets a wheelchair ramp. A person that is vision impaired gets braille and sign language. A person that has a hearing impairment gets an interpreter. What is so different about Autism? Because its a disorder that cannot be seen?
Yes William can get concessions because its called the American with Disabilities act.

The thing holding back society is the need for conforming instead of embraces differences. Before the 70's a handicap parking space or sticker was rare. Before Helen Keller there was little done about blind and mute people. We are not cogs in a machine the world needs free thinkers not closed minds.
So why CAN'T people do the same for disabilities that cannot be seen. William's disability will never go away. A need for routine is VERY common with someone on the spectrum.

So until that day that people aren't close minded about disorders or disabilities I will continue to be the voice and advocate for Autism and my son.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Message in a bottle.

While at the beach you decide to write a message in a bottle. What would it say? Who would you like to find it.

If I were to write a message in a bottle it would be a message to the universe. It would be a message about being kind. Treating others like you want to be treated. Respect human life. Stop and smell the roses and a have faith. I would hope whomever found it needs to hear it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

You can’t change him

I’ve been through what I care to share my share of relationships where I was too forgiving. I’ve been through a marriage where I was the only one fighting  for it until I just didn’t give a damn. We have all hoped and wishes someone we cared about would change something and we try and try. The more we try the more we will be defeated face it. The sooner you face it the better you will be. You may not feel that way but you will be better for it. I give my sister wife grief all the time about making people realize her worth. If you don’t think you are worth then people will continue to do what they do. Now it’s very welll likely even if you let them go they will continue to act that way but you MUST be willing to walk away. If you bargain with your self worth people will always buy you on clearance. Your self worth is the one thing worth the mark up!