Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mom Organization

So I got an email about I am not sure if you've heard of it or not but I was interested so I registered with this free website. I've tried Cozi, I've tried a personal website, I've tried Google/Yahoo Calendar and I have tried the hard copy regular as well as the "mom" calendar. For the longest time I had a planner like the one above I would tote around and a bigger one on my desk. Why not go green and give a try. The thing I like about it is I can put in the RSS feed from my favorite blogs and news feeds. I can also put creative ideas on my Curate. So I am a member of Pineterest and I save all kinds of ideas now I have a landing place for those ideas. No one wants to be more organized than me. I have a forgetful husband and sons who don't communicate well. Plus I not only have to keep up with the 3 other adults lives I also have my two small children and four cats. So clearly I NEED a calendar that can help me juggle all this!

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