Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My goals and resolutions for 2014

The Blog Dare on Bloggy Moms

I made a resolution to not make new resolutions just to keep the old ones.
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My New Years Resolutions are to snail mail important people that I may have lost contact (Dr, David Hermecz, Barry and Joanne Mick, Joey Harmon, Stephanie White) with or that are special enough to know I take time to hand write them. This is now going to include Thank You notes. William's birthday was in August and his are sitting on my desk WHOOPS!

Recently I saw a music video and it shook me. Sadly its not the first time I just chose then to not change at that moment. I am going to try to change this time... I know from my faith and my beliefs I can't change other people but I can change myself. I can pray for the other people and hope that God's will works for me or I can learn to change ME and accept the things I cannot change and that it is not in God's will to change. This isn't so much a New Years Resolution as it is reconfirmation of my faith. To let God lead me me. To let God handle the dirty nitty gritty. To go with the flow. I saw Say Something by a Great Big World I know I have a temper and because I am not quiet or keeping things to myself unfortunately there is confrontation. My husband and I have our disagreements. Sometimes the kids are present. I am not proud of this! Seeing the little girl in the music video and the one in the Pink video just left a void in me. I have to respect my children by controlling my temper and finding another way without them being hurt. Again I trust in God to help me through this as this is a bad habit.. its a cycle of abuse I need to break. 

My third big goal/resolution is I resolve to take care of my body my health and my emotional and spiritual being.

This year a bad habit I'm going to break: Is loosing my temper around the children
A new skill I'd like to learn: Sewing! oh and Cake making/decorating
A person I hope to be more like: My idols and my role models... Dr Dave, Barry Mick, Beatrix Potter, Audrey Hepburn, Jack Hanna, and Amelia Earhart.
A good deed I'm going to do: I always do good deeds its how I am built! Set forth out every day with selflessness.
A Place I'd like to visit: My grand parents head stones, My ex's father's head stone, Friends, the beach, Atlanta, Ruby Falls, and Pigeon Forge.. In the future Arizona and Disney World.
A Book I'd like to read: A child called It, Confession time Sylvia Days Bared to you ( I got it for Christmas!), Scream Free Marriage, and Parenting with Love and Logic.
A Letter I'm going to write: One to Barry Mick, Dr Dave, Joey... and William's thank you notes!
A new food I'd like to try: I tried Hummus yesterday it didn't go over well :( 
I'm going to do better at: NOT screaming

What are yours?

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