Sunday, October 24, 2021

Lost in thought

If someone is hot and cold with me part of me thinks I should take it at face value and act accordingly. First of all its hard to act accordinly when they are hot and cold. Secondly I can't really trust my own thinking. I am an overthinker. Sometimes I am irrational. I struggle with depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Tonight it seems insomnia and over thinking are winning the battle. I feel like part of me should take things at face value and my actions should be equivent to that. That would go along with assuming the message they are sending and I act accordingly. The problem is I can't really fully trust my own thinking. If I am over thinking or being irrational how do I act accordingly? The other part of me thinks I have to wait for some sign from somewhere or be told. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should just be me as an individual? I should just do what I think is best and let pieces fall where they may? I am a people pleaser in someways though and making people happy is what fullfills me, even at a detriment to myself. This is how I am my own worst enemy I suppose. I just wanted to get these thoughts down even at not even 3 am in the morning so I have them for therapy too.

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