Sunday, April 3, 2011

day 12 - a song from a band you hate

Before Hurricane Katrina I liked this song. I thought Kanye was ground breaking and revolutionary in the R&B/Rap world. That he could mention Jesus in a Rap song and sell it! Way to go Kanye... Then the boy did it! He had to open his mouth. He got up during a FUNDRAISER for Hurricane Katrina. He started blaming Bush for what happened at Katrina. As if he is the one who sent the Hurricane to devistate the beautiful cities in Mississippi, Louisana, and Texas.. He stated President Bush didn't care about the black people. There is a time and a place to speak your peace about such a topic but a fundraiser isn't one of them and I am glad the producer cut his mic.
I might get my own hate mail for this but Racism is a live and well and its not always with the White People. If we constantly have to bring up race on either side we are constantly putting restraints on ourselves to not move on and up from it. 

Then he did the Taylor Swift Incident... Okay I am a loyal Taylor Swift fan but even if I wasn't that is just FREAKING rude and another sign that he is racist. Get a grip! Not only since then but following the MTV Music Awards has he went on to talk shit about her. He has no respect. So even though Jesus Walks is fabulous I have no respect for Kanye West as a person or artist!

The 30 Day Song Challenge is Hosted Here...
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here

Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here

Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here 

Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here

Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 6 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 7 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 8 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 9 of the 30 day song Challenge is 
Day 10 of the 30 day song Challenge is 
Day 11 of the 30 day song Challenge is

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I am not a Kanye West fan AT ALL. He is far too arrogant for my liking.