Monday, April 11, 2011

March of Dimes

On October 21, 2002 I had a premature baby. I was so afraid the Obstetrician said she would only weigh 3-4 lbs and she wasn't passing the stress test on the Sonogram. She was also stuck in the breech position and very eager to come out. The plan was to get me to Labor and Delivery to monitor my lack of contractions but yet I was dilating. The 5 minute walk from the OB office to the L&D floor of the hospital I was already at 6 centimeters. The Dr Bailey wanted to do a External cephalic version. This scared me more than the possibility of a c-section. With this not being my first baby/pregnancy I kinda knew what to expect. Once I started passing blood clots and progressing more and just being in general discomfort they rushed me into surgery. The anesthesia didn't take so they gave me general anesthesia. She was 5 lbs 8 ounces by emergency C-section. At first her first Apgar was zero. I was still asleep at the time coming out of my haze was difficult. I was worried about her development, how much she weighed and all. I was VERY lucky there were no complications and her apgar perked up. This experience made me aware of March of Dimes and their foundation.


A few years later I started working for Factory Brand Shoes who is owned by parent company Brown Shoe/ Famous Footwear. and twice a year they have March of Dimes fundraisers. I have always been a big fan of World Wildlife Foundation, Epilepsy Foundation, Autism Speaks, and my FAVORITE is St Jude Research Hospital. Once I was handed that purple, blue, pink bracelet that said Saving Babies... my world changed forever. Not just because I myself had a preemie but I became involved in the program and offered donations of profit from my Close To My Heart Sales.

Baby Girl
imikimi - sharing creativity

So if you haven't participated in a walk (walk for your health), or donated to a baby and research to prevent the loss of a baby and prematurity research. Here are some links you should look into. Next year I may walk for Skylar my daughter or even my friends Preemie Emily. All my little fighters are worth a mile!

March Of Dimes

Team Tassin

Angel Kylie's Hope and Gavin's Miracle

Buy and Please wear March of Dimes products to fund further help and research for babies


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