Monday, June 4, 2007

Totally Random

Well Matthew's party seemed to go over smoothly. I got to see alot of people I wanted to see all but one really. Realistically that is... Matthew is grown so I barely recognized him. Skylar got her feelings hurt she is used to her favorite cousins one on one attention. I drove more than 3 hours to get there Rick drove 1 for a total of 4. I was so tired I let Rick drive the 3 hours back. Now Sunday and today my hips have hurt.

Yesterday we went Grocery shopping and we baked Apple Pie for Jess's birthday. I knew Ashley planned on baking her a cake so I thought I would be different. There goes Jess's diet plans we love her just the way she is hehe. I hope she enjoyed her fresh apple pie almost from scratch :) I fucked it up but who would know lol.

Today I had a dentist appointment I guess they did a deep cleaning on a portion of my mouth for a whopping $50. Now I need a molar repaired and they want $1000 for it
I was lazy most of the day just watching Tinker Bell play. She is happier when she can just play instead of being a play toy for Skylar. Poor Kitty. Then we went to Rosie's Cantina and its yummy then I bought some stuff from target and some things to work on my scrapbook projects.

Umm I forgot what I was going to write cleaverly lol.

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