Friday, November 9, 2007

Sending Christmas to Iraq

ADD "SENDING XMAS TO IRAQ" AND PASS US AROUND! Its a Myspace Profile. Click the Picture for the Link

Everyone should know Walter Reed is not taking Christmas Cards or any packages for "any" soldier. They won't be recieved by the wounded soldiers there unless you address a soldier directly! I brought it up at a waiting spouses meeting on Tuesday because everyone asks me how to sponsor soldiers or donate to them. They don't have the resources to screen everything so they will just throw it away :( to send Christmas cards to service vets, at Walter Reid Hospital, in Washington...Click on the email address, below, and you'll see why. I was only just informed about this. It seems such a shame, that we have to be so afraid to do these things, but "you can't fight city hall" !!!!...and no sense in wasting cards and postage, when they're only going to thrown them away...
There is another great places you can make a difference in soldiers lives - go to
A group that does soldier adoptions. Reagan Roundup it was started my a military mom, her son was aboard the SS Reagan, that's where the name comes from.
I got this in an email today.
UPDATE 11/05/07
Over at Michelle Malkin is another way to send a card:

I called Walter Reed to find out the best way to send a bunch of cards to soldiers, and was directed to the Red Cross office at Walter Reed. The gentleman I spoke to said to bundle multiple cards in one big manilla envelope and send them to the Red Cross office and they will distribute them. He was a nice man who is a wounded soldier himself.

The address I was given is:

Red Cross
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Heaton Pavillion
Washington, DC 20307

The man said they can also use stamps, gloves and stocking caps at the Red Cross office there.


Call and get a soldier’s name to send a card. The number is (202)782-3501.
UPDATE 11/11/07

Snopes related link to Walter Reed Christmas Card List

a href="">

Operation Uplink free Phone Cards for Soldiers. Please make a donation.


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