Saturday, April 13, 2019

To my younger self from me on my 40th birthday

To my younger self and all the beautiful young ladies reading this...
There is truth to the saying wisdom comes with age or experience. My 40th birthday is around the corner. I wanted to share a bit of wisdom.

Remember when you don’t feel good enough for someone that just means they aren’t meant to be in your life, they are intimidated by your shine, or it’s their problem and insecurity.
There is someone out there worthy of your shine whom you were perfectly made for.
So if you feel like your nothing there is someone out there who thinks your perfect.
Just when you don’t think the world gets you there is someone who does.
Sometimes we don’t even like ourselves and we have to change our own minds and love ourselves to let our light shine brighter.
If you continue to let people in your life that don’t belong then you try try try and you’re just missing out on the you that is genuine and they will never get it.

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