Saturday, April 11, 2009

Virtual Dartboard

I am not your Virtual Dartboard. If you need something to piss on and go off on then feel free to click this link
Otherwise I am pregnant under enough of my OWN pressure and stress I don't need your BS too. If your hurt by me then tell me. If your pissed at me be honest with me but if your just going to sit there and make excuses or smart ass comments I am not in the mood to hear them. I am not in the mood for apologies unless they are sincere. Being sick is no excuse to treat other's like poo. I don't feel good and I can really be a bitch.
I have had medical professionals put me in a bad enough mood the past two days then an incompetent school who doesn't tell me if my daughter is on a bus or somewhere safe during a Tornado Warning? All I know is its time for my daughter to be home and I can't seek shelter and the siren's are going off. I can't go into shelter because I don't know where my daughter is. She is supposed to be on a bus or already at home and an incompetent school can't call parents to let them know they won't release the children?
Do I have someone there to calm my fears? Nope I get smart ass comments then too.
I don't think I act like I piss on the world. I still show care and concern. Since everything I say comes out like I PISSED YOU OFF then I can just sit in time out like a 5 year old and request to be left alone. And you guessed it I don't really fucking care...

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