Sunday, April 11, 2010

Willowbrook WOW

Tomorrow will be our one year Annivesary since we started attended Willowbrook Baptist Church. We were attending church on post and I am not sure what made us want to find something better. But Easter Sunday 2009 we started going to Willowbrook. I knew people that already attended there so I wanted to feel more comfortable. The attendance that Sunday was over Three THOUSAND people. Easter Sunday 2010 Willowbrook decided to open a Madison campus which is closer to our new house (the other campus is a 30 minute drive) we decided to be part of hte launch team we are so passionate about the message and our Pastor Mark. He is A--- MAZING! Of course last week William was sick and so was I so we skipped church. We went to the new campus this week that has 350 chairs. It seats a maxium of 350 people according to the fire marshall. Okay we RAN out of chairs! Easter Sunday we had a special two services at WAM (Willowbrook at Madison) and a total of about 400 people at our campus and 4000 at the main campus. I think Mark said 20 people were baptised last week at WAM. another 20 at the main campus. Can we just stop and say WOW that is amazing. Honestly I haven't listened to last weeks message. You can hear Mark on his commericals and But if people went home and turned around and came back to church to be Baptized thats serious! The message most of been powerful! I want to thank anyone in Madison and Huntsville and the surrounding areas that came. Coming to any church is great. But Mark's message is something special to Rick and I. He will do amazing things in his life. If you don't live near Huntsville. I am telling you. Listen online! I am proud to be part of such an amazing church.

I know the numbers seem huge but once your in your bible study, Sunday school class, or even the venue's I promise you don't get lost. I always seemed to feel that way because I came from being raised in a tiny church. Its just not that way at Willowbrook. Mark wants to talk to everyone. Mark wants to meet everyone and help everyone. He does amazing things.

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