Monday, July 11, 2011

Back to School Shopping

*Sorry about the icky quality of the picture my battery was dying then the power went out*

Skylar hasn't grown much since last year... in less than a month she will start the third grade. The best thing we ever did was buy a box from the PTA at her school that we paid for and it comes with all her supplies for under $50... that doesn't include clothes LOL. She won't need a book bag either since I bought her one at the end of the school year because two of hers had broken. So I gave in and got her the one she had been wanting for a long time with the promise she won't ask for another in the 3rd grade unless it breaks etc. So she has her book bag (Zebra Jansport), two lunch boxes, and we pre ordered all the supplies that are on the supply list through the PTA. Only thing left is clothes. She doesn't NEED a lot of clothes since she hasn't grown and her closet bursts at the seams. Her length has gotten longer so size 6 bottoms now are too short and are uncomfortable for her to wear. She can get away with most 6X or 7 with the adjustable waist band. All dresses that aren't 7 are also too short. Which I am not that worried about because she doesn't wear dresses or skirts to school that often by her own choice. She needs a new pair of shoes as well. Everything else she has but I do feel the need to get her two or three more outfits just to have something new. I had some Kohls cash from getting Rick some slacks and myself some capris last month so he urged me to take some girl time and just Skylar & I go to Kohls to shop for school clothes. I ended up with a pair of pajama jeans/jeggings/ leggings that look like jeans, a three piece outfit, a pair of shorts, two tops, and 6 graphic tee's which were under $5 a piece. She got some Sketchers shoes as well and it still cost me about $150 even with the Kohls cash. The Pajama Jeans, shorts, tops and tee's were all on clearance, the outfit was marked down half off... so why does it feel like I can't get the wardrobe I used to for the same amount of money? I still would like to get her at least two more outfits but when I look at my favorite shops its all like eeek $50-$80. She also needs at least one pair of capri's for when it starts getting chilly outside. Why is this so hard and why does it seem like I am not getting the bang for my buck even though $2-$3 for a t-shirt is a GOOD deal! I can't wait for the consignment sales to list their dates because its a hit and miss for Skylar but maybe I can find her some nice outfits.

What are some big trends for tweens this year? What do you wear with Jeggings? Why don't they come in black? haha! What helps you cut costs when BTS shopping? I couldn't wait for Tax Free weekend because of William's birthday is going to suck up most of our money and I wanted to spread it out since I failed saving for these two events. Our staples in her wardrobe are Zebra, Blue jeans and Graphic Tee's since that is 99% easier to match up in the mornings. She doesn't like to wear skirts or dresses because she can't play as freely in gym or recess. Do you let your tween wear tank tops or halter tops? I always thought that was a no no?

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