Monday, July 11, 2011

Military Monday... Military Purses

Military Mondays Family and Spouse Carnival at Army Wives' Lives

While my husband was in Iraq he bought me a $25 ACU purse from Ebay and had it sent to me. I carried it with pride. Then I wanted MORE. I wanted a purse with pictures on the outside to display my Military Family so I saved some money from my "paycheck" aka Tax Refund. I did some researching and at the time there were several companies/Military Wives on Myspace that were making ACU purses. ACU means Army Combat Uniform... So as it grew close to time that Rick retire I convinced him to give me one of his precious uniforms so I can have a purse made. I found Hero on my Shoulder Etsy shop and I had emailed her of what I was looking for and she made it.
Now the sun has damaged the windows that the photos go in and the ribbon is starting to fray and I want another one. I want a spare just so I can get this one fixed if I ever find someone to fix it. I debated over getting my Vera Bradley Purse I desperately want and have wanted for 5 years but Rick doesn't think an $80 purse is a good investment when I will probably rather carry my ACU purses. He's kind of right! I have always gotten the questions when carrying my purse... Did you make that? How do I get one? Where can I buy one? Hero on my Shoulder is out of Hawaii. I cannot sew since I don't have a sewing machine and only wish I could make my own purses! 
Now my husband is retired and we don't have spare ACU's laying around only Class A's and BDU's... I am crazy to eventually want a purse made from all three! But I really really do!
I know I can find someone to make my purses... but I also thought about making money while doing it? Who doesn't? As much as I wish I could make the time to sew and learn a pattern to make purses like mine. I have not the time, space, or money to invest in such a thing but I could become a representative for that way when someone gets envy with my purse I can always give them a card. I don't have to do anything but show off my bags! Its almost a $200 investment to buy the bags that I would be selling is the only down fall. I have anxiety about investing in another such a thing (is it an investment when I just want a new purse too and this is a way to get it?) I am already a Close to My Heart (a scrapbooking company) rep and have been since 2007 but I haven't made ANY money from it and only SPEND. I was really disappointed in the amount of effort I tried to put in and nothing was coming back out even when I offered to donate profits to my favorite charities! Another Pro to being a representive. I only know of one person in the area that makes purses and she doesn't sell on Etsy or anything I think she makes them as a hobby... Could I possibly get a niche in the market? Or would it be more difficult with the school house (ie my main connection to the post) moving to Virginia to sell purses?
I am also concerned I won't be totally satisfied with a Military Handbag from because it doesn't have the picture things on the outside... Oh the worry! LOL

1 comment:

Amanda said...

My friend Crystal started up her own company called 1 Army WIfe Designs. She loves a challenge & has very reasonable prices. I have two of her bags, deployment pillows for my boys & curtains all done by just my ideas. You should look her up on FB, she can probably make you another photo bag at a great price.!/pages/1-Army-Wife-Designs/151344668217725?sk=wall