Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday

It is the third day of November just three weeks before Thanksgiving. My daughter brings us homework from school for us (my husband and I) to write what we are thankful for. I truly believe if you expect your prayers to be answered you have to be thankful for what our heavenly father has given us to begin with. You also have to be thankful when he answers your prayers but its not exactly what you hoped for. You should even be thankful for unanswered prayers because he has his reasons. Just like a parent to a child we say no for our reasons because we know better and most of the time we are doing it to protect the child or teach them.

on the first day of November I was worried about my husband's health. I am thankful I have a husband to worry about. I am thankful that he seems to be healthy even if he has some concerns. He was diagnosed with a Kidney Stone on the 29th and it still has not passed, then his eyes started to jaundice and the emergency room said he had Pink eye which I doubt they were right... that still doesn't explain the Jaundice.

on the second day of November I am thankful for a woman by the name of Sherron Ostrander she is an answered prayer I have been praying for... for years. I have prayed for years a way to help my step son James and she has given me some resources to get me well along my way. I think I heard this sound when the email came in last night

on the third day of November I am thankful that my husband can return to work after a week of being home. As thankful as I am for a husband we can have too much time together hehe. He was slightly getting on my nerves. Distance makes the heart grow fonder even if its only for a 20 mile distance for 8-10 hours haha! I am thankful that he is healthy enough to go back to work after causing quite the concern on Halloween. I am thankful his job at Northrop is there for him to go back to and they let him do some of his work from home. I am thankful for my dirty dishes (well they may be clean by now) because it means I have food thanks to the US Army and Northrop Grumman. I am thankful for my messy lived in house because without NG & the Army I wouldn't be able to be here. I owe my house to the US Army and my husband's dedicated service. I am thankful for my dirty clothes because it means at least I can afford the clothes on my back. My children have books to read, snacks to eat, movies to watch, the greatest technology at their finger tips, toys to play with.... providing for my children makes me grateful and thankful.

Now apparently I smell a diaper that needs to be changed. My son has left me a gift for which I am Thankful lol

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