Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Huntsville at Christmas

Huntsville is like the lyrics of Silver Bells.. Every street corner has something to make you bright eyed and in awe.. We are a smaller city but we are a busy fun filled city.. From poor to rich there is something to do. We are situated around a military post and NASA but I wouldn't particularly say we were a military town. Most of the white collar jobs are DOD situated.. I never wanted to live in Alabama but once Rick took me by the hand and introduced me to Huntsville and I fell in love. Its not Georgia noo.. I miss home but I do love Huntsville and all its treasures.

For the holidays around here Tinsel Trail (picture above) is decorated Christmas tree's around Big Spring park... The building on the right? It has a seasonal out door skating rink. At the VBC you can watch the Christmas Carol christmas play.. or see the Nutcracker Ballet. Huntsville Ballet company has always been nice enough to invite the military for a special showing for free. There are huge light displays in neighborhoods I have even made a map.. There is Constitution Village that turns into Santa's village for the holidays. (you never know when the old man might need a pit stop). The Botanical Garden has a huge drive through light display as well. Many area's have a Christmas tree lighting, Santa at the mall(s), Celebration at the Library, Toys for Tots Bikes or Bust hosted by our own favorite celebrity Mojo Jones on WZYP, Christmas Parades, Santa Train, Maple Hill Cemetery Annual Candlelight Memorial, Living Christmas tree, Harrison Bros hardware store open house, Caroling at library, the Army band performs a concert, Horse driven carriage ride through the historical part of town, and this is our first year without Operation Christmas Bear.. The Shrine used to host military families in a free celebration we are SURE going to miss that! Monte Sano does a bunch every holiday and the mall hosts Santa breakfasts (as does one of the high schools), and Santa story time... (My Blogging idol) keeps me all up to date about what I should be doing every weekend.. Bad news for my homebody husband during this time of year :)

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

Holey Moley what I wouldn't do to have even a small bit of something like that where we live! We are having a hard time finding somewhere to take Kai to just see the lights w?o having to stand in a crowd of thousands. -_- I'm really not a fan of big cities most of the time..