Monday, December 8, 2014

My kids have school itis..

Skylar doesn't love school. She's only in Elementary school and I worry about her finishing high school that's how much she hates school. She gets good grades but hates school. She is not a morning person so she is always dragging butt in the mornings anyways. Well the closer we get winter break the more she struggles.. Even William is struggling and doesn't want to go to school and this kid LOVES homework...It doesn't help they are having upper respiratory issues (allergies, sinus drainage, sore throats, a little cough, stuffy nose). So yeah I can always tell when Winter Break and Summer break are getting close because its harder and harder to get my kids moving... Do your kids get school itis? 

1 comment:

shell said...

Bug askes all the time how much longer til such and such break. Wendy actually allowed her to lay out one day bc she needed a "break" we were so mad