Thursday, June 25, 2009
Good friends and Tragedy.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Speaking of my feelings
In the past few months I have come to an ephimany. I realized how much I've grown and changed for the better. How much happier I am with my life and that I am finally at a stable ground.
I can think more clearly now.
Some people have disappointed me. I feel like some of these people just can't stand to see me happy. They want me to wallow in their own disappointment and hard ships. True friends and family that really cares should be the type to have unconditional love and support. Not just when they want to be fair weathered. I am done with that.
Since the recent events have happened I have decided I was going to clean out my closet. I shrug off those people that can only critize me. Those who only have negative things to say to me. Those who seem to have been my life long friends but only count on Bella when times get hard. Bella isn't your free therapist.
I am tired of those friends who only talk to me when times are rough for them and expect me to drop everything to be there for them but when I need an ear or some advice either they blow me off or only talk down to me.
I am tired of those friends who think they can treat me like however they feel because I've known them a life time. I am sorry that no longer cuts it. If your the kind of friend that wants to bring drama into my life then you will be disappointed just as quickly by my lack of interest. If your a true friend I will be there for you when your having a bad day but YES I expect the same in return.
Don't call to only talk about yourself, bitch about your spouse or your life, Don't call me just to find out how so and so is... if you want to know call them yourself. Oh yeah incase you didn't take the hint I get it you like what you bought yourself I don't need to hear everyday about how much money you spend and then the next minute the lack of money you have.
Finally if any of this offends you then I am sorry if you are a TRUE friend then you know that I am a bluntly honest person. I come off like a bitch. I am who I am love me or hate me. I rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not. Accept me, love me, be my friend for who I am. Who I am is honest, loyal, thoughtful, giving, and real. If you can't take that then find someone that can be there for you during your melt downs, during your pity parties, someone that will be willing to take your trap. I am not into it and I don't need to feel like people constantly ditch me and question why people don't like me.
Friday, June 19, 2009
More house shopping tomorrow
I would ideally like but probably not in our price range find a Mother In Law suite-ish type area for James our 21 year old. Perhaps something like a finished basement. Fenced in back yard. Somewhere outside the military school district so I don't have to do the monthly sorry your friend moved away thing. Walk in closets. Rick would like a glamour bath lol. I'd say in the next two months if we don't find what we want in an established home we will probably lean closer to building what we want.
So we are also thinking about floor plans its just frustrating because the floor plans we like can't be built where we want and or we would love to mesh features of each floor plan together to make one that's perfect for us lol. Depending on the builder it takes up to 7 months to build a house to completion. One Builder Hunter is the more bang for your buck builder but no where in the area we want it in. We can get 1000 more sq feet for what we can afford. Plus they are the type to start you off with like bare minimum and then you can customize.. Like a steel frame of a car and you have to add windows, doors, door locks, brakes, radio, steering wheel kwim? So you have to be nit picky but you also get every detail the way you want it you just have to pay for it. Hunter is not as architecturally beautiful its actually quite fugly lol.. But its the Square footage that is the selling point that it is. Adam's however is made of all brick, his has plant shelves build in, a lot of storage built in. We kinda like them and we pretty much know more than anyone else about the floor plans and properties in our area lol. This is one of our favorites . Again you have your add on's like we would like the screened in porch and fence etc... Not as bad as Hunter though. Millennium homes are HUGE mostly brick a little high on the price range for what we want and it can be a distance from post. The floor plans for that one are on the bottom. Again your getting a lot of BANG and upgrades for your buck and most of its included in the price and not added on afterward but it is at the very tip of way too expensive in our comfort range. We could swing it but choose not too probably. The last one is Breland. I call Breland the dark side because they started out as the people that owned the land and made it suitable to build and then when Hunter and Adams' didn't provide they took over lol. They are a little cozy compared to the others but we finally found one floor plan I could learn to live with and that's only because they did offer a 3rd bathroom. Its still the isolated Master which we DON'T want. As you see below. The Master is on the far right of the floor plan with the glamour bath and you have to walk clear across the house at 3 am to feed William. Rick and I looked in this one and liked it we just want to see what's better lol
Back track here. To another blog about house shopping lol

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Getting crap off my chest!
Monday, June 8, 2009
My Day
Sunday, June 7, 2009
House Shopping
Somethings that would be a plus when buying a house
* James needs his own space, privacy, His own bathroom, Even so like a finished basement or mother in law suite or second isolated Master.
* Four Bedrooms are a MUST. 2 bathrooms three preferred. Half baths don't count! Master must not be isolated (I don't want to be seperated from William or Skylar.
* Rick would like whirlpool in the master bath which most built houses come with. Also pretty big closets.
* Rick would like a garage.
* A fenced in back yard big enough for the kids to grow into. to Enjoy
* I think a nice sized kitchen is important.
Things we don't like about this house.... Small utility room, age of house, The kitchen features, the master bath, integrity of the house, Price is about 50 K more than we want. It will be alot of up keep I know with the outdoors especially. Stairs have pluses and minuses.... Garage is only good for storage. Too small for my car.

This is the laundry room I think its teeny tiny and my washer would never fit in there. Where do you put the laundry? This is a big negative!

The Family room complete with Cat door to go outside.. Too funny! Opens up to the kitchen and sliding glass door to go to the nice backyard.

Nice patio but I see the world involved too!

Smallish dining room which is okay for us for now. We don't have a Formal dining set.

Part of the backyard it comes with the swing set.

This would be James room. It has shelves and space for a desk. Its on the bottom level and it has its own entrance and own bath 3/4 bath I think its called?

another view of the family room.

Ah see James would fight me for this area. This is screaming for a scrapbook area :) Don't you think?

Part of the smallish kitchen. I hate the microwave over the range. Its very clusterphobic too. That would have to go.

Huge deck! It also has a gate leading right to the Elementary school and middle schools :)

One of the bedrooms on the top floor.

The area leading to the HOT TUB! No peeking adults ONLY :)

The front of the house its not very beautiful.. I am not in love but it suits my current needs within a reasonable amount which is hard for me to find EVERYTHING I want in one house. Even if we build one.

There is a sitting garden here with Koi pond and blueberries and raspberries.

This would be James is bath

Another upstairs room

More hot tub views :)

Upstairs hall way

So what do you think?
How I would describe Skylar.
Monday, June 1, 2009
I've loved the Titanic since I saw the 1997 movie in the Theater and was waltzing in the aisles as they played my heart will go on. Matter of fact I have been mini obsessed with it. As I have the same with Phantom of the Opera and Star Wars... just a few things my first husband did leave me. Yesterday was the anniversary of the launch of the Titanic. I woke up Sunday morning to Rick watching A Night to Remember which is based mostly on fact of stories that were told from the night one of the most beautiful ships hit an iceberg. So that got us talking about the most famous of the crew. I started going back through the history and the book A Night to Remember which is on my night stand. We came to the articles about Millvina who was the last known survivor of the Titanic. She was either 9 weeks old or 12 weeks old when the ship sank according to reports. This morning Rick told me Millvina Dean died last night on the Anniversary of the launch. It was weird we discussed her and was reading stuff about the Titanic. Then she passed away. Okay so I am seriously a history NERD... I know that Ms. Dean's brother died 80 years after the sinking of the titanic he too was a survivor of the ship's catastrophy! I just thought that it was very interesting. If you take the time to read some of the history of the titanic and learn just about the famous people on the ship its very cool!