Santa came to visit us on Saturday. Santa dropped by and left Barnaby our Elf on a Shelf and a note for Skylar when she wakes up along with William and her Christmas Build a Bears...
A note from Santa about Barnaby our Elf on the Shelf.
Barnaby and his story... (also has a work book)
Frosty the Snowman build a Bear
This is Curly Chris the Family Santa Build A Bear
This is Snow Bell. She has a part time job as Santa's elf off season she's an ice skater.
This is Skylar's BAB. She actually picked this exact bear out but it was too busy to build her that day.
Juneau William's first Christmas polar bear BAB. Off season he's an astronaut to match William's room.
Saturday we had Operation Christmas Bear. Operation Christmas Bear is a thing put on by several groups to support our troops and those who have husbands deployed as a civilian or in the military
We've been to the Galaxy of Lights put on by the Huntsville Botanical Gardens.
Its a drive through light displays
We've had breakfast with Santa
We went to the Christmas Tree Lighting at Bridge Street
We had a snow day and it might snow again on Saturday wow two weekends in a row lol
Oh and if you want to see my tree's and the rest of my decorations :) The Pictures are [x here x]
If you want to know how I make ornaments the blog is [x here x]
We have his, hers and ours tree's LOL. I married Rick almost 3 years ago so some of the stuff we brought into the marriage. He has his Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. I have my old 7 foot tree I used to decorate when I was younger and I begged and fought for (actually I did LOL)
Last year with the Hero's at Home program sponsered by Sears we got to purchase new tree because mine is showing signs of wear finally. Missing about two branches & sheds like mad which isn't good for a baby or our cats.
The one in the living room is my Supercalifragilisticexpial idocious Smörgåsbord of ornaments. Old Ornaments, Hand me decorations from all the kids except William (his is coming), We paint balls every year, we also each get a special ornament that represents us that particular year, I am always looking for Army type ornaments and a yellow ribbon, plain balls, fancy balls, some things I got when I had nothing which are going to be paying it forward next year, and white lights with an old angel on top which is going with the ornaments that I am giving away)
Have a tree the same size in my large loft is a mixture of Santa Ornaments and painted balls etc.
The Santa tree. 15 feet in the air (I climbed the ladder), The loft is 14 feet long x 4 feet wide. You can see the wreath above the door & the molding. lol
Then I have a small Charlie brown USA Tree in the small loft.
I have a 1 ft tree with tiny ornaments and lights on it someone sent me when I had nothing and I sent it to Iraq while he was deployed