Sunday, April 17, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
March of Dimes
On October 21, 2002 I had a premature baby. I was so afraid the Obstetrician said she would only weigh 3-4 lbs and she wasn't passing the stress test on the Sonogram. She was also stuck in the breech position and very eager to come out. The plan was to get me to Labor and Delivery to monitor my lack of contractions but yet I was dilating. The 5 minute walk from the OB office to the L&D floor of the hospital I was already at 6 centimeters. The Dr Bailey wanted to do a External cephalic version. This scared me more than the possibility of a c-section. With this not being my first baby/pregnancy I kinda knew what to expect. Once I started passing blood clots and progressing more and just being in general discomfort they rushed me into surgery. The anesthesia didn't take so they gave me general anesthesia. She was 5 lbs 8 ounces by emergency C-section. At first her first Apgar was zero. I was still asleep at the time coming out of my haze was difficult. I was worried about her development, how much she weighed and all. I was VERY lucky there were no complications and her apgar perked up. This experience made me aware of March of Dimes and their foundation.
A few years later I started working for Factory Brand Shoes who is owned by parent company Brown Shoe/ Famous Footwear. and twice a year they have March of Dimes fundraisers. I have always been a big fan of World Wildlife Foundation, Epilepsy Foundation, Autism Speaks, and my FAVORITE is St Jude Research Hospital. Once I was handed that purple, blue, pink bracelet that said Saving Babies... my world changed forever. Not just because I myself had a preemie but I became involved in the program and offered donations of profit from my Close To My Heart Sales.
imikimi - sharing creativity
So if you haven't participated in a walk (walk for your health), or donated to a baby and research to prevent the loss of a baby and prematurity research. Here are some links you should look into. Next year I may walk for Skylar my daughter or even my friends Preemie Emily. All my little fighters are worth a mile!
March Of Dimes
Team Tassin
Angel Kylie's Hope and Gavin's Miracle
Buy and Please wear March of Dimes products to fund further help and research for babies
Quick Chapters
2011 april,
March of Dimes,
Introducing StormyAries Designs
It has officially launched HERE
Quick Chapters
2011 april,
psp creations,
StormyAries Creations
30 Day Song Challenge day 19 - a song from your favorite album
My favorite Album this year? Of all time? This was tough. I think the Bodyguard Soundtrack is one of my most favorite Albums of all time. I also like Pink Floyd the Wall, Aerosmith Greatest Hits, Pink's Greatest Hits (this past year), All of the Taylor Swift Albums, and Pink's Funhouse and Brittany Spears Circus
The 30 Day Song Challenge is Hosted Here...
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here.
Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here
Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here.
Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here
Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 6 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 7 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 8 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 9 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 10 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 11 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 12 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Quick Chapters
2011 april,
30 Day Song Challenge,
blog challenge,
Sunday, April 10, 2011
30 Day Song Challenge day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
I wish I could rock out to AOD on my radio. But they are a Canadian band and not many american stations in Georgia/Alabama at least aren't on to my fever yet... even if I request it! Hello Star 94!
As I have said before they are my favorite!
The 30 Day Song Challenge is Hosted Here...
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here.
Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here
Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here.
Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here
Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 6 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 7 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 8 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 9 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 10 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 11 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 12 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 13 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 14 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 15 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 16 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 17 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Quick Chapters
2011 april,
30 Day Song Challenge,
blog challenge,
~Life doesn't give you the people you want, it gives you the people you need: to love you, to hate you, to make you, to break you, and to make you the person you were meant to be~
Saturday, April 9, 2011
30 Day Song Challenge day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
I don't really listen to the radio a whole lot unless I know they are playing retro tunes or something and its still rare. Especially since I got my new stereo that allows me to use my thumb drive.
But I assume Bruno is being over played
But I assume Bruno is being over played
The 30 Day Song Challenge is Hosted Here...
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here.
Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here
Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here.
Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here
Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 6 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 7 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 8 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 9 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 10 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 11 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 12 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 13 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 14 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 15 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 16 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Friday, April 8, 2011
30 Day Song Challenge day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate
Hate is a strong word. I like the tune but the Lyrics just get to me and its a horrible. I know he went through but its just ugh..
The 30 Day Song Challenge is Hosted Here...
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here.
Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here
Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 1 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here.
Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge is Here
Day 3 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 4 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 5 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 6 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 7 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 8 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 9 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 10 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 11 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 12 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 13 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 14 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Day 15 of the 30 day song Challenge is Here
Quick Chapters
2011 april,
30 Day Song Challenge,
blog challenge,
On a recent blog of mine. The Friday Fill- In. The question was what makes a great friend. Well there is so many qualifications to be a great friend of mine and the application you MUST fill out and to be approved by 3 non biased members and signed by a Notary... In order to be my new Great Friend... just kidding
But what I am not kidding about is the drama I have gone through over the past 4 years dealing with friends.
The first "friend" and I met long ago as it seems we met like years and years ago. We became fast close friends. She did a lot for me and was supportive of me when I needed it THEN. She even along with in Cahoots with my BFF convinced me to meet my now husband. Then what went wrong? What went wrong was I am not sure. I started to feel uneasy and I thought she was becoming unstable. She made some accusations that I was using her etc. There was a group drama sort of argument and I noticed I always came to her defense but she never came to mine. I came to my BFF's defense after she had downed her and started rumors. Then she just said she was done. Then a mere few months before my NEW husband was to deploy she emailed him (she says she thought I was reading his emails) and told him I would cheat on him and she knew who with. I struggled with the betrayal for awhile we even have a song about it. I spoke to my new Army Wife friends about her and they said you can't just throw away that kind of friend ship see if she is cooled down etc. So I emailed her. Apologized for whatever part I played in it. She replied calling me names etc. Then a few years down the line she started speaking to me again. I would NEVER EVER give her my heart like I did before. But I was civil. Then she rocked the boat again and for no reason to my knowledge she went on another Kill Bella rampage... as well as anyone we were mutually friends with no matter what. Big Girls Don't Cry
Of course when I married my husband I went from one life style to a new one. Everything about me changed except the kind of friend I am and the kind of mother I am. I started meeting new people in my new State on a new Post. I started hanging around with Air Force Service Members, Army Wifes, and a few Marine Wives. I joined a Military Wives meet up group. I tried to participate and give my input... That wasn't good enough for the owner who thought I was trying to over take her. She quit running the group and it switched hands twice before it landed in my lap. I made friends with someone who contacted me on Myspace that was a new Army Wife who had a toddler and was pregnant with her second child while her husband was sent to Korea. We became friends and we were stuck like glue. I often neglected my other friends to hang out with her. We spent a lot of moments together... our husbands joked we should just live together and save on someones BAH. 4 days straight of Greys Anatomy Marathons. I watched her toddler when she had her baby, I watched her toddler when we went to Wal-Mart. I basically was the on call Nanny. I even made a promise to her husband to take care of her while he was gone. Then things unraveled with her as well and I got the ugliest Dear John Letter. Apparently Army Wives are good at them because it wasn't the last one I would receive. Again my trust was broken and beaten. My husband was gone and I had it seemed no body. I spoke to the owner of the meet up group (the one with the insecurities) that my participation would be limited due to the lack of friendship with that person. That the person just wanted me to be more independant and drive myself places instead of depending on her. I didn't say anything about what went down. I didn't gossip. I just left it matter of fact. Instead I got.... DON'T BRING DRAMA IN MY GROUP... apparently she already talked to her.

As we are settling into yet another new chapter in my life.. Okay I do have to say as a Civilian outside of the Military World you go through several chapters in your life but rarely are the chapters so different you almost need a new book! In the Military I have been faced with new chapters in my life that took as many twists and turns as a suspense novel. As Rick, the kids and I settle into life outside of the Military. I am ready to make friends with Civilians again who aren't going to leave me as soon as we get close. I even searched online for a Mobility Statement Contract that I could alter into a NON Mobility Statement :)
I found myself in a mommy group with situations where people claimed to be my friend but quickly I found the sting of a knife in my back. They only came around when they needed me. When I was sick for months I didn't hear anything from them. The only time I hear from some people like this is when they HAVE to or when I call them (or message, email whatever).
Since I met my husband I have grown up more than I had as a new mother, a person who is responsible for one's own self, more than I did the first decade of adulthood. I have probably had a lot more people turn their back on me and show me their true skin that anyone should ever have to deal with that rejection and judgement. Not just from so called friends but family that can't just be honest with me... instead I get silence and coldness.
I still remain strong that there are some people out there worthy of my trust and I have two friends that are close but they live in different states. I still go to the Military Play Group when I can. I still keep in touch with Military Wives even though I feel scorned. I am still hurt and mostly remain at home through my days just to avoid the drama, the stares, the rude behavior... Or a chance run in with some. I'd rather not actually.
Quick Chapters
2011 april,
Mil-Spouse Friday Fill In
No Mil Spouse Friday Fill-In today because her Father in Law had a heart attack. Prayers for her family today!
Quick Chapters
2011 april,
Friday Meme,
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In
Fill in the Blank Friday
1. Something that makes me a great friend is, A person who is a good friend of mine. Will accept me for me. If I buy you things. Its not because I have more money than you (lack there of) its because I want to. Its not Charity or because I feel sorry for you. I enjoy buying things for other people.. Giving gifts its part of my charm haha. If I say something off color or that may have stung a little perhaps I didn't mean it like it sounded. I am bluntly honest and I speak my mind. A Great friend really listens. I know people that I speak to everyday that say they are a good friend but they never listen because I find myself repeating what I said. We all can forget certain things its true I do but not an entire conversation. A Great friend listens even when its not about them maybe I am having a bad day I just need an open ear and a praying heart. If I hurt your feelings say hey... what you said really hurt my feelings. Be as BLUNTLY honest with me as I am with you. Don't talk behind my back. If your not confrontational then we may not get a long. Honesty, Loyalty, Love my family as you love your own. Respect, A true friend is someone who can sense something has gone a miss for you that day and know to bring you something to cheer you up... like me its simple A Dove Chocolate can cure almost anything!
A true friend is someone if the fate's be that you've disconnected with for months and you can get together again and it was like you never missed a beat. Friends calm you down when your pissed off. Best Friends start saying so-and-so is going to get it! A true friend your always comfortable with, Ok I am stopping there because I just need to write a separate blog on this subject..
2. I am a sensitive person with a larger than life personality . Sometimes I am too much for some people
3. I am not deceptive except about Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny and anyone else I can use as black mail against my children .
4. If I had to describe myself in 3 words, Blunt, Loyal, Creative
5. Something I'm really cheap about is things for myself except my shoes.
6. Something I'm willing to splurge on is my shoes because they take care of my feet which carries the rest of me... My poor feet!
7. I would trade my too small too short too outdated wardrobe for a nicer better fitting wardrobe in a heart beat. I NEED new clothes but I am a horrible clothes shopper when I am alone... Rick is ZERO help
A true friend is someone if the fate's be that you've disconnected with for months and you can get together again and it was like you never missed a beat. Friends calm you down when your pissed off. Best Friends start saying so-and-so is going to get it! A true friend your always comfortable with, Ok I am stopping there because I just need to write a separate blog on this subject..
2. I am a sensitive person with a larger than life personality . Sometimes I am too much for some people
3. I am not deceptive except about Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny and anyone else I can use as black mail against my children .
4. If I had to describe myself in 3 words, Blunt, Loyal, Creative
5. Something I'm really cheap about is things for myself except my shoes.
6. Something I'm willing to splurge on is my shoes because they take care of my feet which carries the rest of me... My poor feet!
7. I would trade my too small too short too outdated wardrobe for a nicer better fitting wardrobe in a heart beat. I NEED new clothes but I am a horrible clothes shopper when I am alone... Rick is ZERO help
Quick Chapters
2011 april,
Friday Meme,
Fun Stuff
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