This is the face of depression.
I have had depression since I was 21. This year has been one of the hardest years by far. The only other really bad bout I had was when Adam died and Mackenzie was taken from me but Skylar saved me from that. I realize depression lies but the truth about depression when someone see's your depressed they often times make it about them. They want to hear what's wrong but when you tell them they say... "That's not true.", "I didn't mean to. (See they make it about them)". "How can I help?" It goes on and on. At what point where they listening to you? There's the truth about depression. Sometimes you need to shut your pie hole and listen and accept what they have to say and if you feel so inclined to make their life better than actually SHOW them the world is different than they believe. If you say I will devote more time... I will try to talk more... I will ____ then actually do it and stick with it! Or don't do anything at all or you will make an ugly downward spiral. If its not true and you didn't mean to then show them its NOT true if you didn't mean to then DON'T do it again. Be there for them and actually listen (there is not always a need for you to say anything) just LISTEN be a good listener.