Monday, January 9, 2012

Pray for Me Monday


Please pray for me... my family is under constant challenges. We knew when we got married we already faced challenges apart as well as we were going to face them as a family. Some we didn't realize at the time but we will manage.
As a military family there is over 50% it ends in divorce. I think close to 60%. 3.6 military marriages end in divorce as of 2011.
Over 70% of second marriages that involve step children end in divorce. 25% fail in the first five years. (Okay we've almost overcome that statistic)
Having children with special needs gives you a higher chance of divorce. Some articles state 80% but that is being argued now.

So we have over 50% chance that a military marriage would end in divorce. Luckily we aren't active duty anymore but we are still struggling with the side effects of forever being military.
We have over a 50% chance that we will divorce because we are in a second marriage
and over a 50% chance we will divorce because we have one or more children with special needs.
So does that give us over 150% chance of divorce?

I tell you what statistics I didn't add in
I am a christian and I believe in my vows...not in the Karadashian way but in the real way of from Better & Worse
I think this being a second marriage gives me the advantage of learning from the first with MY mistakes. I can hope the same with Rick.

But I ask for you to hold up my family in prayer as we face these challenges. I know God doesn't give more than I can handle. My plate may be full, it may be heavy, I know I can do this but every once in awhile I need a helping hand. Babies don't come with instruction books and neither did my marriage. Every where I turn there is marriage advice from my Pastor, from this Author, or that blogger, this expert or that one. But no one has the marriage I do. So the what if's out weigh the advice.

There is a lot on my plate... my smallest one is almost 2½ and he struggles with severe separation anxiety... again everything in a text book has been tried now the doctor says to wait it out. So its not an option to hire a sitter and go on a date and enjoy my one-on-one time with my husband. Its not even an option to go to church together since he hyperventilates in the area where they watch the babies and the one for toddlers. Yes he will cry for the solid hour if not more. My 9 year old will soon be hitting puberty and all the mess that is coming from that. She's got a sassy attitude and mouth just like her mother and sometimes she struggles in school. Even if she made straight A's on her report card. YAY Skylar! I struggle every day with loosing my 11½ year old. I am not sure if to move on or to fight and how to cope because again there aren't many people I can turn to for help that understand where I am at. We have James who is 24 and he Aspergers and Anxiety disorders we are still trying to deal with on a daily or weekly basis and Alex the 25 year old who is trying to make it on his own but he is still Rick's baby you know what I mean? They all come with their own challenges and we have five blessings there isn't much time to break for ourselves. There is no text book, self help book, or expert to help us on this journey just God and prayer!

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