Wednesday, November 12, 2014

*dusting off the top of the blog*

Hi... does anyone ever still swing by here? I used to blog a lot years ago. I have used Blogspot, Xanga, Livejournal, Myspace, Opendiary... As a matter of fact I thought I was a paid member of Open Diary I guess not *shrugs* I would write about my first life. That's what I call pre-2007... It wasn't a great time in my life but yet I had lots of readers. Perhaps they liked that I was in misery. As I got remarried and was happier in my settled life my blog got a lot less traffic. I kept pretty much the same group of online friends and my offline life. I just moved out of state and gained new friends in my "second life" my army life. Skylar & I had a lot of adjusting to do and perhaps I blogged about that. I tried not to blog too much about the issues I was having as I have adult step sons and I didn't want to alienate them. My husband even though we met through social networking and my blog on Yahoo 360 he's not a huge fan of me blogging either. Probably just not blogging about him LOL. The past year my blog has been pretty quiet unless its something I thought needed saying. I have been diagnosed with severe PTSD, Fibromylagia, Anxiety, and Depression over the past year. So perhaps I didn't want to sign on to blogger every day just to complain. No huge adventures lately its more of me just living life... watching the babies who aren't such babies grow. So are you still with me? How long have you been reading?

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