Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday November 16, 2014: Would you mind, putting...

So we have this issue at my house that drives me insane. My husband and step son are probably not going to appreciate this post either. But my husband has some short term memory loss and overall OCD issue. Its been our entire marriage. I bought tee shirts for a particular holiday and laid them somewhere so I would know where they are. He comes behind me and puts them somewhere else (not their home mind you or even their obvious home such a clothes drawer) so comes the holiday and they are gone. I go frantic, panic, and pissed... I wasted all that money for nothing? In the grand scheme of things its not a huge deal but its just annoying and a pet peeve of mine and the lost tee shirts was just my first experience of 7 years. The most recent one was I bought a gift card and birthday card for one of William's school friends and laid it close to the door still in a bag. It gets moved. My husband acts all innocent and just mad I accused of doing what he is famous for doing. So we have this thing for coats and shoes near the front door and the bag was there about waist height... The night before he was cleaning it up looking for a key that had dropped . So he must have run into it but because he was so hyper focused on the key he forgot to grab William's coat as we were leaving for an outdoor Christmas Tree Lighting.. and he probably moved the bag so again yesterday 20 minutes before party time I can't find this bag I knew where I put it. His short term memory loss doesn't remember seeing it. He was too hyper focused on the key. So when I tell Rick or James would you mind putting it back where you found it or somewhere where it will be remembered? How hard is it to say where would you like me to put this item for you? Apparently hard and both "boys" use it as an excuse to just not do anything. My kitchen table is what Flylady would say is our hot spot.. We come in with groceries and they are put on the kitchen table.. any and all clutter ends up on the kitchen table but because "so and so" are afraid to move anything I have to constantly clean off the kitchen table instead of them just putting things where they belong. When James vacuums and mops he refuses to even pick up a Lego. He will just vacuum around it. It makes me CRAZY. So would you mind just putting things in their correct or rightful home? Sometimes as much as I have to remember things for 5 members of this house hold I put things so I KNOW where they will be when I come back to it but that doesn't mean things as ridiculous as a Lego...
Don't even get me started on the missing Beta fish.
The Blog Dare on Bloggy Moms

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