Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday November 17, 2014: They'll be waiting for us...

I usually will find any excuse to shop. I try to dress my kids up for any ole holiday.. Why not? Buy presents just because. oh the treasures you will find at Dirt Cheap, Marshall's, Ross, TJ Maxx and thrifting! I adore yard sales as long as my co-pilot isn't grumpy. In less than two weeks begins the biggest shopping season of the year- Christmas! Black Friday is coming and the retailers are waiting for us. We are getting armed with our leaked ads, our coupons, saving our discount cash for that one particular store only to find out it expires Wednesday before Black Friday. Yes I am the one person that tries not to shop without RetailMeNot dot com. I do shop around my husband will try to blame me for spending too much on my shopping addiction and our dolls. Its really him you can't take into certain stores without breaking the stereotypical you have to spend $100 just to leave the store. I can go into Walmart and pick up what I need. I despise Walmart first of all but its the only place that carries the type of Febreeze I use and the Ecos laundry detergent. But I can usually brave it enough to go in there once or twice a month and just get the laundry detergent and not go much further. It is hard to go Christmas shopping though and keep it reeled in. I have been working harder and focusing on things that would be better for the kids and not just a bunch of toys that sit around. Especially as money has been tighter..Sticking to a list and checking it twice. Shopping around regardless of Black Friday getting the most bang for my buck. After peaking at the Toys R Us Black Friday ad I was disappointed that not much of what was on the kids lists weren't in there. So it just means I will be double checking the list and being grateful for being able to give whatever I can give.
What kind of shopper are you? Do you shop for Christmas year round? Do you go out Black Friday or even Thanksgiving now that it is a thing? Do you oppose shopping on Thanksgiving? Or are you one of those people who waits till the last minute? Do you buy gifts for extended family, the mail man, the neighbor, and all the teachers?

Whatever type of shopper you are there are people out there that over shadow the goodness in the world. There are 3/1 angels walking amongst us but the squeaky wheel gets the attention so the bad guys always get the most attention. There are retailers out there not to be friendly. Small Business's that don't deserve our business although I am a huge advocate for Small Business shopping. There are dangerous people at the ready to steal our credit card information, our identities or break into our homes to rob us of Christmas. The Grinch these days is a lot more mean! Be mindful this holiday season posting information on social media or talking in groups. They are at the ready and they will be waiting for us

Then there are the people that are just greedy and grouchy. I have a few Scrooges in my life too. I just let my light shine and don't leave it vulnerable to those who are in a hurry to snuff it out. Misery loves company but just try to extend the warmth out but don't invite it in. Rick and I recently watched a movie called the The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry  and its a movie about forgiveness and parables in the Bible. I just think its also just something like Timmy showed the Scrooge, or Cindy Loo and the Grinch, no matter how much someone is grouchy showing them your heart might change them. Don't expect change but I still think we should show everyone our heart just not necessarily leave it vulnerable which is so easy to do during the Holiday season.

Anyways do your shopping with the best heart possible and remember those who don't have anything under their "tree". Teach your children the true meaning of giving and Christmas. I love me some Santa but its really St Nicholas's spirit isn't it? They will be waiting on us...

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