About Me
Hello I am Bella. I am a 28 year old Mom. I am a PROUD Army Wife. We've only been married a short time but we feel like we have been soul mates since before we were born. His name is Rick. We each have two kids from our previous Marriages. Alex (21) A Soldier himself, James (20), Mackenzie (7), and Skylar (5). We live in Huntsville. As much as Georgia has a piece of my heart. I do like Alabama. I am Madly in love with my husband. He's currently serving out his last years in the United States Army. He's crazy enough to deal with Ammo all day so I will be crazy in love enough to marry him. My baby brought me to life like the song says. He didn't only bring me to life, He showed me how life could be lived. Amongst our 4 children, We have two cats Lightening and Tinker Bell and my Cockatiel Lily. No one else would claim her and she's been my feather baby for 4 years now. She knows mommy spoils her.
Since Moving to Alabama to spend the rest of our lives together. I have been introduced to Army Life. The Army Family. We are truly a family. Not everyone is the same and at some points there are "Family" members you just don't care for but when it boiled down to it, we have to support each other. Most of all Support our Troops. I "met" my husband through my blogging and then we kept in touch using myspace, I've met many wonderful Army Wives since moving here. One of them reached out to me on Myspace. We've became pretty close.
My husband's job is what he enjoys mostly. Its the only thing he has ever known till finding true love and parent hood. He's a GOOD soldier but its not who he is. He wears his uniform proudly, He hangs his flag with honor, He fights with Strength. But there is so much more to my husband, I am Blessed. I am a new Army Wife but have aquired alot of resources and made some close friendships. I am a Proud Army Wife and Step Mom! That's not me thats just part of my soul. I love to connect with my "Internet Friends", I love to play around with my Paint Shop Pro, Show my patriotic side (not just because of his job), Scrapbooking, Crafting and Card Creating. I stay quite busy! I have an intense love for my Husband, My Family, For God, Writing, Poetry, Reading, Movies and Music.
- Bella
- An Army Wife
- An Army Step Mom
- A Step Mom
- Caregiver
- An Aries
- A Mother
- A Sister
- A Wife
- An Aunt
- A Friend
- A Child of God
My Roots are Planted:
- I moved here from Calhoun, Georgia where I lived for 5 years.
- I was raised mostly in Jonesboro, Georgia
- Lovejoy High School Class of '97
- I also lived a good portion of my life in the Suburbs of Atlanta.
- I was born and reared in Southern California.
- I have biological parents, step parents, and Adopted Parents.
- I have 7 siblings including (2 biological sisters, My adopted siblings, and two half siblings)
- My Papa Bear is the Greatest Person I have ever known.
- My sister was in the Air Force Now she works with Vets, My brother in law is in the Air Force Currently, My Adopted father was in the Airforce. My Uncle and Biological father were both Sailors in the Navy. My Papa Bear was a Marine in Korea.
- I have 13 Nieces and Nephews not including my sister in law with her Fur Babies!
- 3 precious god children all grown up!
- In My Blogging
- My Faith, My Strength, My Passion, My Love, My Beliefs, My Stubborness, My heart, My soul.
My Dreams
- I have found my dreams in the eyes of my husband
- I would love to work in a Zoo with large animals
- Be a Veterarian
- To Swim with Dolphins.
- Raise my children to believe in Peace, Happiness, Love, and Hope
I Enjoy:
- Being able to touch and talk to my husband.
- Cuddling with my husband and daughter.
- Being around people
- Shopping
- Scrapbooking & other crafts
- Photography
- Writing Poetry & Reading
- Writing & Blogging
- TV & Movies
- Music
- Celebrities
- Paint Shop Pro
- My Mommy Support Groups
- Hanging out with Friends
- Exploring New Places as long as I can always have a home to come back to.
- animals
- Laughter
- Sims & Moove
- Myspace
- Love
- Camping
Always Remember
- Honesty, Fidelity, Passion, Trust and LOVE Always
know how lucky it is."
--Source Unknown
--Source Unknown
--Muhamad Ali
--Albert Einstein
--John Wayne
--Matt Koepke
1 Corintians 13:4-8a
Love is Paitent and kind;
Love is not jealous or boastful;
It is not arrogant or rude.
Love does not insist on its own way,
It is not irritable or resentful:
It does not rejoice at w rong,
but rejoices in the right.
Love Bears all things
Believes all things,
hopes all things
endures all things.
Love Never ends.
My Hero's
My husband, My Children, My Papa Bear, Those Friends and others who helped me spread my wings along the incredible journey of my life. Our Armed Forces, Police and Fire Fighters, Doctors and Nurses... Without you the world wouldn't be as nice as it is...
- Barry
- Dr David Hermecz
- Dr Fernando Bernstien
- Helene (my adopted mom)
- Mackenzie
- Skylar
- and God
Page Since 2/28/07
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