So My Buddy Crystal and I are always looking for opportunities out there in he world to make a little extra cash. Plus this is a good way to give me subject matter to post about. So you can find Crystal's blog here ..... and while your looking around check out her Ebay store
Mix of Everything (Scrapbooking, Electronics, Clothes, etc). So enough with the shameless promotion of my friend LOL. This is my first PPP post. What's PPP you ask? Well since I am new to the company I don't have alot of answers for you LOL. But feel free to sign up on the website here From what I understand they give you topics to blog about under there terms and you get paid to post on your blog. So I make a little extra money and entertain my blog friends. So if you happen to see a random post that isn't about deployment or life then feel free to comment and just go on about your way. I rarely get comments anyways. I do so enjoy them though!
So once again I think this Payperpost thing is a good idea and you should check it out if you are an avid blogger. Or just would like to make extra money. Details listed on the site. Crystal and I are going to give it a try and see what we can do with this idea. I hope you keep reading my blog and enjoying my posts. Comments and Suggestions are loved!
If you sign up for PPP or would like your blog added to my blog roll then be sure to notify me. I would love to read all about your world. Especially if your a military wife as well or just a parent experiencing the JOYS of parenting. My interesting include Scrapbooking, Working with Paint Shop Pro, Animals, The military of course I have pride in my husband and step son's jobs. Yes I am a Military "Alpha" Mom as my friend calls me.
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