So its not cheesy and its quality! WOOT
and what else I found lol
I loove these stores but so far my best luck came from Marshall's Why I have two Ross' Two TJ maxx' and Two Marshall's beyond me but hey... More opportunity for these deals.
and this is just Carters but I love these type of outfits that have a matching blanket. I got this in NB size cause I am almost positive little man is going to be tiny like his big sister... So I will have to go back and get the bigger size...
I also got a Calvin Klein Romper I didn't get it out of his storage thing but it was like $5 or $7 (now I want to matching onesies lmao and bibs...)
Oh and this little button down that will look cute with Cords or Jeans with a sweater I bought him on Ebay from Children's place... Don't cha think its cute?
Another Carters Brand for $3.00
Oh yes and Olenka gave me the tip that Ross has Maternity Clothes. I got me an adorable pair of black capri's I can dress up with two blouses I bought. So something cute comfy and Casual I can buy a fancy pair of flip flops and wear to church or everyday... Thanks for the tipppp How did I neglect not shopping there for so long?
Unbelievable that these are all brand new, Name brand clothes cheaper than Children's Place, Wal-Mart and Target.... ALSO cheaper than even most Consigment sales and thrift stores lol....
So yesterday morning we headed out to find a yard sale but God decided to send us rain... so I thought about this one Thrift store or Consignment store that Betty and I happened upon a few months ago... Rick and I went to find it. BINGO its OPEN and I found some little Peter Rabbit Outfits, A Ralph Lauren Romper, Cute baby hats, and Another Blanket set like the doggy one I spent the same amount of money on the used as I did on the new!
People that know me know I don't shop at Walmart I refuse to spend a dime there. I went an over an entire year without shopping there. I stopped wanting to do business with Walmart in Feburary 08 due to their business practices and how they have directly effected the economy and MY life. So yesterday when we went to see this awesome consignment sale they weren't open for another hour but we had driven 25-30 miles. I said Rick lets go to Walmart and just WALK around. I don't want to spend money just walk around the store. I was a little curious as to see if they had any Peter Rabbit clothes like they used to as well. So we walked around Walmart and then we were bored after about 30 minutes and we both still felt confident that our family doesn't go there for business. The prices aren't that much cheaper than Target (I found the same outfit at Target even LOL) Rick and I just kinda laughed off the fact we weren't even tempted by them. Customer Service was rude as usual too.
Our TV's are breaking one right after another in our house so I kept pitching proposals to Rick about getting him his promised Homecoming Present he has wanted. I did the research. I called several techy people. I got a tip that his TV was going on Sale at Target... We grabbed a rain check when they ran out still unsure we wanted to spend that much money at this point... Its a good thing I finally talked him into at least paying for half because we got it for even a cheaper price than the sale price. He played being daddy to his TV while Skylar and I went and had some fun and registered for the few things I spied at Target that Babies R Us or anywhere else didn't carry. Plus with us being Army and all our friends and family spaced out world wide I don't know where they feel comfortable shopping so I have registered at Target, Sears, Babies R Us, and Burlington... Just do a search for my name or contact me for the info...
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