This is probably my second favorite or favorite in our price range. It has the utility room upstairs but it only has two bathrooms which I really would prefer James have his third. But its probably not going to happen. The rooms and closets are a little smaller than I would like not much bigger than we have now. I wanted more room and grow into it because I don't want o outgrow a house. Not a nice kitchen but an Ok kitchen with a few cabinets. I also have conflicts with the stair for three reasons. I like stairs good for containing mess and noise... Cons on Stairs are Lightening wouldn't do so well with them plus baby gates. Skylar sleep walks for unknown reasons right now and she would have to be responsible for herself making sure the gates were closed. Of course we know baby and gates are never a good mixture. A screened in porch is available for a little extra cost as well as a privacy fence as in most of their models.

We were told this is the PERFECT floor plan for us. It gives James his own "space" including his own bathroom, bedroom and entry (through the garage.) I like how the kitchen is set up. I fear the bar being over the carpet but I can fix that. I like a plant ledge they have in the living area's it gave it some uniqueness but at the same time its a dust catcher isn't it? Or attracts curious cats and bird? Probably with the price range of 2034 we wouldn't be able to afford upgrades like the garage door opener, fence, porch, Whirlpool jets lol... etc

YaY for three bathrooms. Kinda serves my purpose in helping me help James become an adult self kwim? Gives him more freedom and less drama and fighting with the children. The dining area can be used as a study. Is it just me or does it seem like a long 3 am walk to nurse the baby? LOL. I like the size of two of the closets in this house too! No porch available according to the floor plans....

The con's about this one are again James and Skylar have to share a bathroom with James said was alright he figured he would HAVE to.. I was actually pushing for him NOT to. We could get an archtechtualy less quality house. Its not as nice looking inside or out but with a thousand more square feet in the middle of no where not locally. Pro's are sq footage still not what I want but I am spoiled lol. I like the Master Closet it was very glamour. Stairs are a pro and a con as posted in another comment. The loft is a pro and a con because it gives the kids a play area away from visitors but at the same time I see cat and or child catapult over the half wall provided not thinking that the stair case below will kill them if I don't first. This one only has space for 2 bathrooms and the utility room is down stairs. We would really like the screened in porch just because Rick and I like to sit outside and it would be sort of a play room for the cats and bird (of course we would have to kitty proof it with plexiglass)
Building a house is fun. We just closed on ours a few months ago. It WAS stressful but being able to pick all the details is AWESOME!
these plans look awesome!! Congrats and can;t wait to see which one you all chose and get to go thru the building with you all!
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