I can't formula feed. I have low supply. Once I empty a can, it wouldn't magically fill back up again. I'd try the whole "supply and demand" thing of going to the grocery store to stock back up. But my baby would scream if I do that. I can't stand the screaming!
Besides, my cabinets are too small and I'd prefer to keep them sexy and uncluttered with all the formula cans. I've heard that formula feeding only works for people with big cabinets, anyway. As long as they're not SO big that it's hard to stack the formula cans. So really, formula feeding only works for people with medium sized cabinets.
And I'd be nervous about wondering if my baby was getting enough or getting too much. How do formula feeding moms know that their baby is getting enough? If baby cries, how do they know if he wants a bottle or if he wants a pacifier? And how do they know if they're over-feeding baby? Every weight check would make me paranoid that my formula mixing skills were just not up to par.
I'd also be afraid to go out of my house if I was formula feeding. I'd be afraid that I forgot the bottles or the nipples or the formula or that I didn't bring enough, or that I brought too much. And besides, I feel SO awkward trying to bottle feed my baby. He always screams when I'm mixing the formula, but I can't mix it any faster because I need to make sure all the clumps are gone. There's just no way I can imagine bottle feeding a baby discreetely in public! I've tried all those hints and tips that I've seen other mothers mention, but I just can't get a hang of it.
Not to mention nighttime bottles. I like getting sleep. How do you get sleep if you have to prepare and warm a bottle? I just can't imagine how a parent could do it. Plus, there's so many worries about formula and SIDS that I'd be afraid my baby would die. (excuse commonly applied to co-sleeping)
And how would I be able to pay attention to my older children while I'm bottle feeding or washing the bottles? Not to mention the fact that it would interfere with my husband's ability to bond with our child, since he'd have to be washing bottles too. And working to pay for the formula.
Which brings me to another thing. I don't think I could do the whole formula feeding thing, because I'd be constantly worried about the source of formula drying up. I mean. It's a horrible economy. How will I know in the beginning if I can make it to a full year of formula feeding? If I were to formula feed, I'd always be worried about the supply. So I might try it in the beginning... But I have to tell ya, if the stock market drops any more than it has already.. I just wouldn't be able to deal with the anxiety and would have to give it up.
Plus, what happens when baby gets teeth and starts to chew on the nipple bottles? And I hear it's painful when you move from the ready-made formula to the cans of powdered formula, because those pull-tops can have razor-sharp edges. I don't know if I would be able to deal with the pain of cutting up my fingers on those edges! Sure, in theory I could learn new techniques that would enable me to open the can without cutting myself.. But really, the idea of a paper cut makes me cringe, so I don't even want to try. I think I'll wean my baby off of formula when I need to make the switch away from the ready-made samples.
I don't know how people do it, honestly. Maybe it's easier with practice.. But I tried a few bottles in the beginning with my older son and it just didn't work for me. So with this child I'm not even going to bother.
...Now how do I get those damned formula samples and coupons to stop showing up at my door? I tried throwing sage tea at them and wrapping them in chilled cabbage leaves. But none of the old tricks work, darnit. Maybe some benadryl?
(Disclaimer: I have nothing against formula-feeding or supplementing moms. I was just struck by a random moment of humor where I realized that many of the reasons why a mom might choose to formula feed over breastfeeding actually apply to my decision to breastfeed.)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Kids and Electronics
Some say boys are cheapers than girls. Others argue that boys like the electronics. Thats partly true. Since we have four boys and one girl. I have experienced both sides.
My computer addict James... Loves his Iphone, Ipod ITouch, Xbox, and his Compy 2.0 lol... He bought the computer himself. Now he's just dying to upgrade. He is hardly ever far from some electronic device that has music or a game in/on it.
Alex loves his Ipod and laptop. As long as he can research cars, language, and watch his movies. He is good to go.
Skylar loves to occasionally play with the Wii and Laptop but most of the time she is perfectly happy watching her "1-0-3" on the big screen in the living room.
William he is starting young. He wants everyone's Itouch. James has visualizations on his, on Rick's he wants to kiss Lady Gaga, and on mine... well between my Itouch (with a rubber case), and my cell phone he just wants to get it soaked. LOL he would have a blast with a laser mouse and a laptop if we let him... He's not even a year old!
What are your kids favorite electronics? Do you limit their access? Lets Discuss!
This post was part of a June challenge for Bloggy Mommys
Sponsered by...
My computer addict James... Loves his Iphone, Ipod ITouch, Xbox, and his Compy 2.0 lol... He bought the computer himself. Now he's just dying to upgrade. He is hardly ever far from some electronic device that has music or a game in/on it.
Alex loves his Ipod and laptop. As long as he can research cars, language, and watch his movies. He is good to go.
Skylar loves to occasionally play with the Wii and Laptop but most of the time she is perfectly happy watching her "1-0-3" on the big screen in the living room.
William he is starting young. He wants everyone's Itouch. James has visualizations on his, on Rick's he wants to kiss Lady Gaga, and on mine... well between my Itouch (with a rubber case), and my cell phone he just wants to get it soaked. LOL he would have a blast with a laser mouse and a laptop if we let him... He's not even a year old!
What are your kids favorite electronics? Do you limit their access? Lets Discuss!
This post was part of a June challenge for Bloggy Mommys
Sponsered by...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Follow Me Back Tuesday
How it Works
1. Follow all 4 hostesses above, then as many other blogs as you would like (Be Sure To Comment So We Know Who/Where To Follow Back) .
2. Add your blog to the list (only have to add once ). *NOT YOUR BLOG HOP
3. Grab our button and the link code to post on your blog.
4. After you follow a new blog make sure you leave them a comment letting them know that you are now a follower so that they can follow you back, and please follow others back if they leave you a comment that they follow you.
5. We would love for you to help spread the word by creating a Follow Me Back Tuesday Blog Post. It will certainly help spread the word faster, which will lead to more blog followers!
***Please link directly to your Follow Me Back Tuesday Post. Links that lead directly to your personal blog hop will not be accepted and will be deleted.***
The code will be available every Tuesday at 12:00 a.m (EST) on all 4 hostesses blogs.
Quick Chapters
2010 june,
follow me back tuesday,
fun stuff,
tuesday meme
Monday, June 14, 2010
Mamarazzi Monday
Praying for a safe week for all my readers and I ask that you say a prayer for my family as well. We have two family members overseas right now and we are having some challenges as we speak... Nothing faith won't deliver us from I truly believe that.
On Happier notes. These pictures were actually from last Sunday.
I had an online acquaintance take late Easter pictures at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens a week ago with my neighbor and her kids. (We have had horrible rain and scheduling problems since Easter).
Photography by Danielle Smith
my own shots from that day some how I thought I took more idk ugh. Crap I didn't upload them all before my computer crashed :(
Quick Chapters
2010 june,
mamarazzi monday,
monday meme,
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Getting to Know you
I hope this day finds you well.
Today is getting to know you Sunday in Mannland5.

The questions this week are.....
1. If you could have one of Superman's, powers which one would you want? Super human strength..Flight..Super human speed..X-Ray vision..etc If I had a superman power I would say Super Hearing or Strength.
2. The best thing I ever won is....? Materalistically? When I was 13 I won a 27 inch Sony TV, I have one money, poetry contests, Concert Tickets, a gift basket (HUGE) from Playtex, and a pair of shoes from Stride Rite... Other than that Love & trust... Do you WIN love though?
3. Have you ever skyped with a bloggy friend? Nope. I haven't skyped in years. I have done Oovoo with an online friend Crystal P from my Mommy Group. I have skyped with realitves before LD was free lol
4. What is your favorite Summer month? July... I am patriotic lol
5. Pool, Lake, or Ocean? To swim in the pool. For the view the Ocean... I don't hate the lake either though.
6. One of my favorite Summer memories is.....? Marriage retreat in Panama City Beach and the times my families had family reunions. I love them! Rick's family is really too small for them :(
7. What's your favorite secret bargain? Childrens Place Outlets. Ohmigoodness I still have clothes from when I worked there 4 years ago that Skylar can't fit into but the items cost me less than a $1 lol
8. Do you plan on or have you been watching the World Cup? nah
Today is getting to know you Sunday in Mannland5.
The questions this week are.....
1. If you could have one of Superman's, powers which one would you want? Super human strength..Flight..Super human speed..X-Ray vision..etc If I had a superman power I would say Super Hearing or Strength.
2. The best thing I ever won is....? Materalistically? When I was 13 I won a 27 inch Sony TV, I have one money, poetry contests, Concert Tickets, a gift basket (HUGE) from Playtex, and a pair of shoes from Stride Rite... Other than that Love & trust... Do you WIN love though?
3. Have you ever skyped with a bloggy friend? Nope. I haven't skyped in years. I have done Oovoo with an online friend Crystal P from my Mommy Group. I have skyped with realitves before LD was free lol
4. What is your favorite Summer month? July... I am patriotic lol
5. Pool, Lake, or Ocean? To swim in the pool. For the view the Ocean... I don't hate the lake either though.
6. One of my favorite Summer memories is.....? Marriage retreat in Panama City Beach and the times my families had family reunions. I love them! Rick's family is really too small for them :(
7. What's your favorite secret bargain? Childrens Place Outlets. Ohmigoodness I still have clothes from when I worked there 4 years ago that Skylar can't fit into but the items cost me less than a $1 lol
8. Do you plan on or have you been watching the World Cup? nah
Quick Chapters
2010 june,
Fun Stuff,
Getting to Know Me,
Sunday's Meme
I was enlightened in therapy recently when my therapist thought it was perplexing that I am motherly to everyone. Alot of my family (extended as well) lean on me for information, support, and anything really. My friends will ask me for advice or help. Its just is and always has been the nature that is me. She really is sure that I need to stop being everyone's go to person and take care of just ME, and the two youngest children. If I can do that then my anxiousness can calm down. I am more anxious than I need to be even when dealing with family and friends. I worry about things that are happening to them even though they don't care about it themselves.
Like when James cut his arm this month and I wanted him to get a tetanus shot and he just blew me off. I made a big deal of it but perhaps James just didn't want to have to get one. Men are stubborn creatures so why would I let that set me off? But I did!
I think of myself as a pretty good friend. I am honest with everyone, trustworthy and I try to be reliable. I am always there for a hand, ear or shoulder. Again its who I am and whom I have always been. I will continue to be that way but I gotta take a step back and let me be myself for awhile. I have to grow within myself in order to have a growing friendship and marriage with those around me.
I have to be healthy or I am just going to make you miserable.
I guess I just got lost
being someone else.
I tried to kill the pain,
but nothing ever helped.
I left myself behind,
somewhere along the way
hoping to come back around
to find myself someday
Lately I'm so tired of waiting for you
to say that it's okay.
Tell me please
Would you one time let me be myself
so I can shine
with my own light.
Let me be myself.
Would you let me be myself?
'Cause I'll never find my heart
behind someone else.
I'll never see the light of day
living in this cell.
It's time to make my way
into the world I knew.
And then take back all of these times
that I gave in to you
Lately I'm so tired of waiting for you
to say that it's okay.
Tell me please...
Would you one time let me be myself
so I can shine
with my own light.
Let me be myself.
For a while,
if you don't mind,
let me be myself
so I can shine
with my own light.
Let me be myself.
That's all I ever wanted from this world,
is to let me be me.
Please, would you one time
let me be myself
so I can shine
with my own light.
Let me be myself.
Please, would you one time
let me be myself
so I can shine
with my own light.
Let me be myself.
For a while, if you don't mind
let me be myself
so I can shine,
with my own light.
Let me be myself.
Would you one time
let me be myself
and let me be me.
FB quote
Remind yourself of this important fact. Compassion breeds compassion. Surliness breeds surliness. Most of us resort to asurly tone of voice out of fear—fear of rejection, fear of our spouse’sanger, fear of failure, you name it. Yet, it’s the surliness that willbring about all of the things that we most fear. Only the compassion...will get us to our happy place.
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