Saturday, July 30, 2011
William loves anything to do with Disney Pixar Cars. He doesn't have the attention span to watch the movies but he does like them. Why don't they make Disney cartoons like they used to? That might hold his attention. Instead we set this up on Rick's computer screen and at any given time William he will sit cross legged in front of the computer monitor and watch the trailer reel that goes continuously Lately we showed him one of Skylar's favorite websites when she was in preschool called Poisson Rouge or Red Fish. He's getting quite smart about it. Then there is the Itouch. One year for Christmas we bought James an Itouch because we thought it had the best of all worlds pertaining to James... Apps, Music, Videos, Games, Drawing... etc. Rick and I thought we were being sneaky and also got one for each other without us knowing. Mine died first because it probably had a sippy cup contamination. Then Rick's was replaced twice and died as well so he had James Itouch (James got an Iphone less than a year later.) Now Rick who pretty much can't function without his other brain aka Iphone has given me James hand me down Itouch which I love to use for music and Words for Friends but I rarely use it and find myself keeping William entertained with it. He likes to use the preschool applications for puzzles and shape sorting and has mastered so many of them I have had to pay for the app instead of using the lite version LOL!
PS I get my Iphone so we don't have to worry about loosing the Itouch in a month
Friday, July 29, 2011
Mil Spouse Friday Fill in
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By Wife of a Sailor |
1. Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook the Twitter world is still a bit confusing
Facebook the Twitter world is still a bit confusing
2. Hard Tacos or Soft Tacos?
Soft only
Soft only
3. Gardening or crafting?
4. Fruit or vegetables?
Fruit. I love my vegetables for sure, but I love the sweetness of fruit. <~ I agree
Fruit. I love my vegetables for sure, but I love the sweetness of fruit. <~ I agree
5. Motorcycle or bicycle?
I haven't ridden on a Motorcycle since I was very young. I promised someone I wouldn't ride after a family friend lost his leg to a Harley. I drool over them though... I did ride bikes a lot before moving to Huntsville now I wish I had a bike. We have a bike trailer for the kids, a bike car seat for just William but no BIKES! Maybe perhaps one day I would like a Harley trike :p
I haven't ridden on a Motorcycle since I was very young. I promised someone I wouldn't ride after a family friend lost his leg to a Harley. I drool over them though... I did ride bikes a lot before moving to Huntsville now I wish I had a bike. We have a bike trailer for the kids, a bike car seat for just William but no BIKES! Maybe perhaps one day I would like a Harley trike :p
Quick Chapters
2011 july,
Friday Meme,
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Love this quote
"Never forget, when you have lost your faith, when God is no longer real to you, go back. Go back to the last place you saw Him. He will be waiting for you there."
Monday, July 25, 2011
Remember-able Moments
I haven't had much time to blog but a few weeks ago Rick was backing up and backed up my Honda into our wrought iron Mailbox and scratched her back end and dented her pretty good. I wasn't even sure I wanted to pay the premium to get her fixed (her body looks great before the accident but the inside is trashed). We ended up going to get the estimate I told the guy my trunk wasn't opening so he offered to fix that as well as my drivers side door that wouldn't open from the inside... We paid for the extra jobs but USAA paid for the dent repair and the rental. We were at Enterprise getting our rental and I found out my license was expired so we had to use Rick's license then we drove to the DMV to get my license removed... Its official I've had my license for four years officially and it expired the day before my birthday..... in April.... OOPS! Thank you Enterprise for alerting me before the Police had to remind me to renew HAHA!. So it looks like my first renewal was as remember-able as getting my license for all of you who know what a journey that was!!
By the way Rick and I have always said the next car we buy will be a Ford... big enough for our entire family. They picked us up from Joe Hudson Collision in I think it was a Ford Edge- it could have been a Flex? It had luxury amenities including a camera that you can see behind you when you backed up, a voice activated GPS and more. OMG nice! We ended up renting a Mazda 5 though and it was a pretty sweet ride and about 10 k less than a Ford Suv... Who knows what we will get when we are in the market for it in 2 years. I think Ford is the more responsible choice though.
By the way Rick and I have always said the next car we buy will be a Ford... big enough for our entire family. They picked us up from Joe Hudson Collision in I think it was a Ford Edge- it could have been a Flex? It had luxury amenities including a camera that you can see behind you when you backed up, a voice activated GPS and more. OMG nice! We ended up renting a Mazda 5 though and it was a pretty sweet ride and about 10 k less than a Ford Suv... Who knows what we will get when we are in the market for it in 2 years. I think Ford is the more responsible choice though.
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Amy Winehouse 14 September 1983- 23 July 2011 (aged 27) I have seen the first hand tragedy of addiction. I have not had a serious addiction myself but I have seen others struggle with it and it forever changed my own life and compromised my life and not being able to live the fullest life possible. After Heath Ledger died of an "accidental overdose" I mourned. What a huge loss to us as a star was being born. He was so talented and overlooked. The Michael Jackson and every claimed he had a problem and died from an overdose. Sure he had a type of a drug problem same as his famous father in law Elvis who I love. He wanted drugs to kill the demons certainly of his past. Elvis became addicted because of the Army. Either way addiction is addiction... Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohen, Kurt Cobain and other famous rock stars. I watched as a youth watched Kurt Cobain basically fall apart of course through the media. Of course he tried to get help and wasn't successful. I have seen addiction in my family, my friends, my relationships. Amy Winehouse was so destructive I wouldn't even buy her music to support her addiction. I was embarrassed for her and sick for her. She was often the brunt of jokes I admit but addiction isn't a laughing matter and the fact that her song about her addiction made her famous. I wasn't surprised that she passed away this week. I had asked Rick which one would go first Lindsay or Amy. Its sad the world had to loose talent after to talent to something that can be fixed, cured, and prevented. I don't "get" drug addiction and I don't think I ever will. I have my demons and drugs don't make them disappear it just adds more skeletons in your closet. Russell Brand whom I see (I don't know much about) as a dorky weird guy married to Katy Perry and an Actor or Comedian (maybe a stretch) in his own right that has done things for MTV time to time wrote a beautiful blog to Amy Here its well versed and he is more intelligent than I thought. After alll it shouldn't matter so much as who died or what were the circumstances of their demise but to the public eye that didn't know Amy and shouldn't judge Amy take this time to reach out to someone you know struggling with addiction and ask them to get help. Don't enable them. Pray for a recovery. |
Monday, July 18, 2011
Military Monday
I just got a book I ordered called Military Love Loving You From A Distance. I read the first paragraph and I loved it... so I thought I would share...
The love of my life is a hero. He doesn't wear a cape but he models cammies every day. He doesn't rock the newest designer shoes but instead he laces up his combat boots no matter how uncomfortable they are. He doesn't have the newest hair style because he has regulations he has to abide by daily. He has to wake up before sunrise so he could go to PT than he endures a long day at work. He signed up to ensure that freedom of speech never gets belittled. Sometimes with that freedom he is protecting, people speak words of disrespect towards him. He has to leave home to fight a war he was not sure if he believed in. ...
I just thought it was touching and beautiful as well as the rest of the introduction. The book is entries of different military love stories. I am on love story #4. Not every story is for me but so far I like this book. I belong to a Facebook group called Military Love. Thats how I found out the book. Aparently when she started the group, she started a traveling notebook.. one got stolen, they were worn out and beaten so she decided the best way to do was virtually through an email address and she compiled all the stories into this book. Again the book is called Military Love: Loving You From A Distance and its by Samantha Rehder and the rest of the wives who submitted their stories. The book is available at and she also now has calendars out too!.
What's your military love story? Would you share it in a book?
My Military Love story is...Rick my husband was stationed in Korea and he was pretty bored so he was looking for blogs to read on Yahoo 360. He found my blog and started reading. I was writing about life, my bad relationship, my struggles with my ex and parent hood. He finally started leaving comments and so I read his blog too! The first comments came in December of 05. By the summer of 2006 it was time for him to leave Korea and he was being stationed in Alabama just 3/4 hours away! We begun to talk more in IM just platonic since I was in a relationship and he was trying to find his own love for a lifetime time of love. He was having problems with it and he would admit himself that he was in a destructive downward spiral. I wasn't handling things too well either. In December of 2006 he told he heard rumors he might deploy but not to worry too much because it would probably be to the green zone. I DID worry. I have friends and family that have deployed and I have never worried so much as I did this stranger... I only knew Rick virtually. I spoke to my two best friends Kristin and Olenka about what was going on and showed them the emails and I was at the point of ending my relationship. I asked for my mother for a loan to help me get my own place with my daughter and help me out. She told me to wait till after the holidays. My boyfriend was abusing xanax and alcohol. It was becoming more and more abusive and controlling. I wasn't getting hours at either of my two jobs. Things weren't well. I went to stay with my sister for a few days just to get my head on things. This was about Martin Luther King Weekend. Rick had a four day weekend and decided we should meet. He thought maybe I could just house sit while he was deployed and get back on my own feet with no strings attached. No relationship.. I wasn't looking for anything but standing on my own two feet. Again I pleaded with Olenka and Kristin and they could tell I had already fallen even if I denied it. They said it was Kismet and I had to meet him or I would forever regret it.
We met that weekend and we planned on having dinner and just talking about the possiblity of me moving to Redstone with Skylar and house sitting. At the time he knew he had to leave his boys who were 19 & 20 alone but he thought htey could handle themselves and I would just be making sure that everything was okay while he was deployed. Crazy things happened that weekend that weren't what I planned dealing with police, my adopted mother, my ex boyfriend (we broke up before New Years Eve), and my sister. Things got out of hand and my daughter was in danger. I literally packed what I could carry and Rick called James and Alex and told them I was in a bad situation and he was bringing us home. Everything seemed meant to be and it was so wonderful we got married on Feburary 5th of the same year. Alex his oldest son left for boot camp a few days later and Rick left for training to join his MiTT Team in Kansas by July 22, 2007. He deployed to Taji Iraq October of 2007. Alex left for Korea for a year a few weeks later. He came back to Alabama to visit with James, Skylar & I before leaving for Korea after he graduated from AIT (Advanced Individual Training).
During my first deployment I learned so much about my marriage, my step sons, my own self and my daughters strength. I will never forget how I grew and how we grew as a couple that year. I hope we can get back to that.
Coming home on a 4 day weekend from Training Summer of 2007 |
R&R on our 1st Anniversary Feb 2008 |
Shortly after we met |
Quick Chapters
2011 july,
military life,
Friday, July 15, 2011
Fill in the Blank Friday
1. I am a (morning, evening, middle of the day person) I am not a morning person I am a groggy mess in the mornings. In the afternoons the kids usually run me ragged and I am tired with a headache, Night time I am exhausted...
2. My favorite Pandora stations are I just made one yesterday consisting of Rock like 90's rock... Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence, Matchbox Twenty, Live, Hinder, Train, Fuel, Goo Goo Dolls, Breaking Benjamin, Tonic, & 30 Seconds to Mars etc...
3. 3 of my "must-have" songs for a road trip playlist are . 30 Seconds to Mars, Across the Universe Soundtrack, and Adele Someone Like You
4. My favorite pattern is Java Blue by Vera Bradley
5. My favorite perfume is I have a few I rotate. My four all time favorites are
Anais Anais Perfume by Cachare, CK One, Pink Musk (or Peony) by Avon, and Bella by Mary Kay. I also use Katy Perry, White Diamonds, and Brittany Spears. I think I've had Celine Dion's at one time but I can't remember how it smelled. I love Sunflowers as well
Anais Anais Perfume by Cachare, CK One, Pink Musk (or Peony) by Avon, and Bella by Mary Kay. I also use Katy Perry, White Diamonds, and Brittany Spears. I think I've had Celine Dion's at one time but I can't remember how it smelled. I love Sunflowers as well
6. Rules are set to make people accountable for their actions.
7. My most overused phrase or punctuation is LOL or the F word...
Quick Chapters
2011 july,
fill in the blank Friday,
Friday Meme
Mil Spouse Friday Fill IN
From Wife of a Sailor
This week’s questions are:
1. If you could have a private concert with any singer, who would it be? submitted by An Air Force Wife’s Blog
He's dead but if he were still alive I would have to say Elvis Presley or maybe Michael Jackson. I had to pick them because in my mind no one has become the icon that they have. I am not sure I could choose just 1 person that is still alive. Maybe James Durbin?
2. Is there anything you do to supplement your family’s income? submitted by Our Life, One Adventure at a Time
I am a Close to My Heart Consultant but I haven't made any money off of it as I haven't been pushing it in the last few years due to having William etc. I also sell my crafts and hand me downs online and at Consignments.
3. During your pregnancy (whether past, present, or future), what did you nickname your unborn baby before you knew the sex? submitted by Explosions of Love
Mackenzie didn't have one that I can remember. Skylar was Peanut, Bunny, and finally Skylar. William was Peridot (his birth stone)
4. Have you ever won a blog giveaway? If so what did you win? submitted by Mrs. O’s Life
I wish!
5. If I looked into your refrigerator right now, what would I find? submitted by Married to the Army
Coca Cola is my addiction, Lactaid Whole Milk for William, a gallon of 2% Milk, and a half Gallon of whole milk (James' my 23 year old), OJ, James wine coolers, cheese, ham, condiments, fruit cups, Bottled Water, White Grape Juice, James' food not sure what all he has in there he hasn't been shopping in a few weeks.
Please don’t forget to add your blog link to Mr. Linky below by clicking on it. But also if you are not participating in MilSpouse Friday Fill-In this week, please do not put your link on there… I will remove it. It is unfair to others who do participate.
This week’s questions are:
1. If you could have a private concert with any singer, who would it be? submitted by An Air Force Wife’s Blog
He's dead but if he were still alive I would have to say Elvis Presley or maybe Michael Jackson. I had to pick them because in my mind no one has become the icon that they have. I am not sure I could choose just 1 person that is still alive. Maybe James Durbin?
2. Is there anything you do to supplement your family’s income? submitted by Our Life, One Adventure at a Time
I am a Close to My Heart Consultant but I haven't made any money off of it as I haven't been pushing it in the last few years due to having William etc. I also sell my crafts and hand me downs online and at Consignments.
3. During your pregnancy (whether past, present, or future), what did you nickname your unborn baby before you knew the sex? submitted by Explosions of Love
Mackenzie didn't have one that I can remember. Skylar was Peanut, Bunny, and finally Skylar. William was Peridot (his birth stone)
4. Have you ever won a blog giveaway? If so what did you win? submitted by Mrs. O’s Life
I wish!
5. If I looked into your refrigerator right now, what would I find? submitted by Married to the Army
Coca Cola is my addiction, Lactaid Whole Milk for William, a gallon of 2% Milk, and a half Gallon of whole milk (James' my 23 year old), OJ, James wine coolers, cheese, ham, condiments, fruit cups, Bottled Water, White Grape Juice, James' food not sure what all he has in there he hasn't been shopping in a few weeks.
Please don’t forget to add your blog link to Mr. Linky below by clicking on it. But also if you are not participating in MilSpouse Friday Fill-In this week, please do not put your link on there… I will remove it. It is unfair to others who do participate.
Quick Chapters
2011 july,
Friday Meme,
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Jesus Take the Wheel
For those of you who have read my blog or know me I am sorry if this entry is particularly repetitive. But things that may seem like deja vu are symbolic to the make up that is me and big building blocks in that is that is my faith.
Years ago I read a book called "Gianna". I was inspired by this young woman who's mother tried to abort her and she was born with several birth defects and would never live a "normal" life. She is so brave and so strong in the book she talks about "giving it to God". This was a foreign concept to me. I attended the same church up until adult hood. I was unable in my marriage to attend church freely as I chose. I started attending Trinity Community Church after Adam died. It is the church that watched me grow up and blossom. The church at least some of the members that had known me since I was a toddler. They came to my wedding, to my birthday parties as a child and always supported my family. Eventually I had to move back to where I was living in North Georgia and I didn't have a church home again. My faith had been shaken by the death of my husband, by my separation from him, and the custody battle with my son I eventually lost. I lost my husband and oldest son in the same year. My family had pretty much turned their back on me. My faith was shaken but not gone. Even though I had been through really serious trials, and tests of my faith... its all I had that was TRUE. Its all I had to hold on to. Nothing else promised me it would all work out, that it would all be okay.
Even though I lost my oldest son I still at the time had a little baby (Skylar who is now 8½), living in a different town. I was dating a man who had addictions and problems. Perhaps the only people that can handle my baggage are those who have baggage themselves? He was raised Catholic but like Adam I think he was Atheist. Having my brief few weeks back at Trinity made me realize how good going to church was for my soul. It was like an energizer battery... it gave me energy and strength to go on. I wanted to continue this with my daughter. I was in an impossible relationship for nearly 5 years before it ended. Before it had ended Skylar who was a sippy cup addict would drink chocolate milk at all hours through those Nuby Sippy Cups and it caused cavities even though she would brush brush brush... her molars were damaged. So at 3½ she had to have a lot of baby teeth pulled and filled. She had to go under general anesthesia. With my 20+ surgeries I was scared for her. I cried I was a mess. I remembered Gianna and I prayed and asked friends and people online how do I give it to God? Then I heard "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood. I got some answers and just prayed please get me out of this impossible relationship that puts myself and Skylar at risk. Let her get through this simple procedure without any complications. I cannot loose ANOTHER child. She was pretty much the only earthly thing I had left to keep me going. Eventually I chose to end that relationship and move to Alabama.
Prayers Answered!
I married a Soldier who deployed just months after our wedding. I once again was scared I couldn't handle it. I was scared I would fall apart and wouldn't be able to hold the weight on my shoulders. I was in a new city, no friends, a new step child (or two), a new life all together. I took it in force and I didn't back down. I had stumbles on my journey but I didn't get off the slippery rocks I kept trucking across all with Skylar in tow. She handled it beautifully as well.
4 years later I find myself troubled again. I find myself asking questions and doctors not having the answers. I am not given the answers to the questions. I want help... I beg and a plead. I was driving Skylar to Vacation Bible School (Yes I am back to attending church whenever possible. I couldn't make it without Willowbrook Baptist Church.) "Revelation Song" by Kari Jobe came on. This is a song last year that I would have daily prayer and meditation too. If I did my prayer, praise music, and meditation my day just seemed more complete and fulfilling. Anywhere hearing my song on the radio I realized I hadn't trusted and put my faith in God once again. I failed on my promise to not go down that road and to let him take the wheel. I didn't give my worries to him I let them burden me. I let them tie me down. Its been months I have been struggling especially lately. Its been building but lately its been extra difficult. That day going to VBS I broke down in tears driving and almost had to pull over realized I failed on my faith again because to have worry isn't to trust in HIM. I am so broken without faith. I've been trying to pull it together now but every time I think I take a step forward I take two steps backward and the journey seems to be more difficult. Between medical problems, problems in my relationships, emotional stress... its been a hard rucksack to carry. My burdens are heavy but my faith is still plenty when I choose to see it. I am working on that...
I used to have a sign growing up on my bedroom door... Be Patient God isn't finished with me yet.. I need a new one!
""There are a lot of things to think about, but nothing to worry about." Matt Koepke
Years ago I read a book called "Gianna". I was inspired by this young woman who's mother tried to abort her and she was born with several birth defects and would never live a "normal" life. She is so brave and so strong in the book she talks about "giving it to God". This was a foreign concept to me. I attended the same church up until adult hood. I was unable in my marriage to attend church freely as I chose. I started attending Trinity Community Church after Adam died. It is the church that watched me grow up and blossom. The church at least some of the members that had known me since I was a toddler. They came to my wedding, to my birthday parties as a child and always supported my family. Eventually I had to move back to where I was living in North Georgia and I didn't have a church home again. My faith had been shaken by the death of my husband, by my separation from him, and the custody battle with my son I eventually lost. I lost my husband and oldest son in the same year. My family had pretty much turned their back on me. My faith was shaken but not gone. Even though I had been through really serious trials, and tests of my faith... its all I had that was TRUE. Its all I had to hold on to. Nothing else promised me it would all work out, that it would all be okay.
Even though I lost my oldest son I still at the time had a little baby (Skylar who is now 8½), living in a different town. I was dating a man who had addictions and problems. Perhaps the only people that can handle my baggage are those who have baggage themselves? He was raised Catholic but like Adam I think he was Atheist. Having my brief few weeks back at Trinity made me realize how good going to church was for my soul. It was like an energizer battery... it gave me energy and strength to go on. I wanted to continue this with my daughter. I was in an impossible relationship for nearly 5 years before it ended. Before it had ended Skylar who was a sippy cup addict would drink chocolate milk at all hours through those Nuby Sippy Cups and it caused cavities even though she would brush brush brush... her molars were damaged. So at 3½ she had to have a lot of baby teeth pulled and filled. She had to go under general anesthesia. With my 20+ surgeries I was scared for her. I cried I was a mess. I remembered Gianna and I prayed and asked friends and people online how do I give it to God? Then I heard "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood. I got some answers and just prayed please get me out of this impossible relationship that puts myself and Skylar at risk. Let her get through this simple procedure without any complications. I cannot loose ANOTHER child. She was pretty much the only earthly thing I had left to keep me going. Eventually I chose to end that relationship and move to Alabama.
Prayers Answered!
I married a Soldier who deployed just months after our wedding. I once again was scared I couldn't handle it. I was scared I would fall apart and wouldn't be able to hold the weight on my shoulders. I was in a new city, no friends, a new step child (or two), a new life all together. I took it in force and I didn't back down. I had stumbles on my journey but I didn't get off the slippery rocks I kept trucking across all with Skylar in tow. She handled it beautifully as well.
4 years later I find myself troubled again. I find myself asking questions and doctors not having the answers. I am not given the answers to the questions. I want help... I beg and a plead. I was driving Skylar to Vacation Bible School (Yes I am back to attending church whenever possible. I couldn't make it without Willowbrook Baptist Church.) "Revelation Song" by Kari Jobe came on. This is a song last year that I would have daily prayer and meditation too. If I did my prayer, praise music, and meditation my day just seemed more complete and fulfilling. Anywhere hearing my song on the radio I realized I hadn't trusted and put my faith in God once again. I failed on my promise to not go down that road and to let him take the wheel. I didn't give my worries to him I let them burden me. I let them tie me down. Its been months I have been struggling especially lately. Its been building but lately its been extra difficult. That day going to VBS I broke down in tears driving and almost had to pull over realized I failed on my faith again because to have worry isn't to trust in HIM. I am so broken without faith. I've been trying to pull it together now but every time I think I take a step forward I take two steps backward and the journey seems to be more difficult. Between medical problems, problems in my relationships, emotional stress... its been a hard rucksack to carry. My burdens are heavy but my faith is still plenty when I choose to see it. I am working on that...
I used to have a sign growing up on my bedroom door... Be Patient God isn't finished with me yet.. I need a new one!
""There are a lot of things to think about, but nothing to worry about." Matt Koepke
Quick Chapters
2011 july,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Worry Free Wednesday
1. I will try not to worry that my car is on her last legs after she locked up on me today and the air bag light probably means my air bag is malfunctioning some how.. ugh
2. I will try not to worry about how tight money has been this summer we will get back on track soon.
3. I will try not to worry about the second grade the eleventh is a lot scarier
4. I will try not to worry that William is delayed or growing... or not.
5. I will try to live in a moment, plan for tomorrow, and know that the past is what it is.
6. I will try not to worry about people who are no longer in my life... giving it to God
Quick Chapters
2011 july,
Wednesday Meme,
Worry Free Wednesday
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Cats On Tuesday
We've had Tinker Bell for 4 years and she has never had a problem with her fur well apparently we took her to the Catisfaction Cat Clinic a few weeks ago and she has a problem with her undercoat getting knotted. She got her usual boosters and exam and let me tell you I love this clinic and its staff. Everyone is awesome. Next to go is Peanut because he tends to get out of the house more than the females.
Quick Chapters
2011 july,
cats on Tuesday,
tuesday meme
Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays
Ugh this week I am a day behind 3 and 4 day weekends always throw me off my calendar. So I am writing this on Wednesday July 6th and it will be posted on the following Tuesday LOL.
This week on our menu we had Cheeseburger Subs for the 4th of July... apparently I was the only one that loved them! Last night we had a Taco Lasagna... and if the chicken is defrosted this evening we will probably be having Chicken Nuggets.
Let me share my recipes with you.... (btw most recipes and photos are from the website.) I am too busy eating my meal to take pictures of it LOL
Cheeseburger Subs
2 Bakery deli-style sub rolls
1/2 cup ketchup
2 tablespoons creamy mustard sauce
aluminum foil
1 1/2 lb ground beef chuck
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup prepared Cheddar cheese sauce, divided
1/2 cup pre-diced tomatoes, divided
1/2 cup pre-diced red onions, divided
2 cups lettuce shreds, divided
1/2 cup ketchup
2 tablespoons creamy mustard sauce
aluminum foil
1 1/2 lb ground beef chuck
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup prepared Cheddar cheese sauce, divided
1/2 cup pre-diced tomatoes, divided
1/2 cup pre-diced red onions, divided
2 cups lettuce shreds, divided
- Preheat grill (or grill pan).
- Slice bread in half lengthwise, leaving 1-inch uncut.
- Combine ketchup and mustard sauce; spread over inside of each sub roll. Place rolls on a sheet of foil; set aside.
- Form ground beef into four patties (wash hands). Season beef patties with salt and pepper. Place patties on grill (or in grill pan); grill 3–4 minutes on each side or until 160°F.
- Cut burgers in half and place inside sub rolls; top each with 1/4 cup cheese sauce, 1/4 cup tomatoes, and 1/4 cup onions. Bring sides of foil up around roll and place over indirect heat on grill; grill (or bake in oven at 400°F) 6–7 minutes or until bread is toasted and cheese is hot. Add lettuce shreds, then cut each sub into 3 equal pieces; serve.
Note: Cut subs into even smaller portions for an easy-to-manage appetizer.
CALORIES (per 1/6 recipe) 350kcal; FAT 19g; CHOL 80mg; SODIUM 760mg; CARB 22g; FIBER 2g; PROTEIN 24g; VIT A 8%; VIT C 15%; CALC 6%; IRON 20%
Ice Cream Soda Sparklers
6 tablespoons cherry-flavored syrup
48 oz ginger ale, chilled
12 maraschino cherries
6 (1/2-cup) scoops vanilla (or other flavor) ice cream
48 oz ginger ale, chilled
12 maraschino cherries
6 (1/2-cup) scoops vanilla (or other flavor) ice cream
- Chill (12–16 oz) soda glasses in freezer for 30 minutes.
- Chill soda.
- Drizzle 1 tablespoon cherry syrup around inside rim of each glass. Slowly add ginger ale (leaving room for ice cream).
- Add 2 cherries to each, then add ice cream (the soda will foam underneath the ice cream). Serve.
CALORIES (per 1/6 recipe) 260kcal; FAT 7g; CHOL 30mg; SODIUM 80mg; CARB 49g; FIBER 1g; PROTEIN 2g; VIT A 6%; VIT C 0%; CALC 8%; IRON 0%
Shopping List
Add items to your grocery list by clicking on the
next to any item below.
The icon will change to
to indicate that it has been added.
Apron's Advice
- Complete your meal with French fries, corn on the cob, and cupcakes for dessert.
- Try Birthday Cake-flavored ice cream for a festive, red, white, and blue dessert sparkler.
To get the easiest way to make the Taco Lasagna or Taco Bake just get the kit. Rick has managed to just due it from scratch so we don't need to afford the kit.
Cheesy Chicken Strips With Broccoli White Cheddar and Shells
Cheesy Chicken Strips With Broccoli White Cheddar and Shells Total Time - 30 minutesCOOKING SEQUENCE
Ingredients: aluminum foil (optional) cooking spray 1 1/2 cups fish-shaped cheese crackers large zip-top bag 1/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese 1 egg 1 1/2 pounds chicken tenderloins Steps 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Line baking sheet with foil (for ease of cleanup) and coat with cooking spray. Place crackers in zip-top bag and crush; add cheese and shake to mix. 2. Whisk egg, in large bowl, until blended; add chicken, using tongs, and toss to coat. Transfer chicken from egg mixture to zip-top bag; use tongs and allow excess egg to drip off. Seal bag tightly and shake (or use fingertips) to evenly coat chicken. 3. Use tongs to arrange chicken in single layer on baking sheet. Bake 12–15 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 170°F. Use a meat thermometer to accurately ensure doneness. (Thread 2–3 tenderloins onto probe, if too small for reading temperature.) Serve. CALORIES (per 1/4 recipe) 330kcal; FAT 10g; CHOL 165mg; SODIUM 310mg; CARB 13g; FIBER 1g; PROTEIN 45g; VIT A 4%; VIT C 4%; CALC 8%; IRON 15% |
Ingredients: 2 cups water 2 tablespoons butter 1 (6.2-ounce) box shells and white Cheddar pasta 3 cups broccoli florets 1/2 cup reduced fat milk Steps 1. Place water and butter in large saucepan. Cover and bring to boil on high. 2. Stir pasta shells into boiling water, reduce to medium-high and cook, uncovered, 6 minutes. 3. Stir in broccoli; cover and cook 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. 4. Stir in milk and seasoning packet (from pasta). Cover, reduce to low and cook 3–5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until pasta is tender. Serve. CALORIES (per 1/4 recipe) 250kcal; FAT 10g; CHOL 20mg; SODIUM 560mg; CARB 33g; FIBER 3g; PROTEIN 8g; VIT A 40%; VIT C 80%; CALC 10%; IRON 8% |
DAIRY 2 tbsp butter 1 egg 1/2 cup reduced-fat milk 1/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese | |
DRY GROCERY aluminum foil (optional) cooking spray 1 1/2 cups fish-shaped cheese crackers large zip-top bag 1 (6.2-oz) box shells and white Cheddar pasta | |
MEAT 1 1/2 lb chicken tenderloins | |
PRODUCE 3 cups broccoli florets | |
SUGGESTED ITEMS cupcakes barbecue sauce honey mustard carrot sticks | |
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The fish-shaped crackers come in many colors and flavors. Let the kids choose their favorite. |
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