Friday, July 15, 2011

Mil Spouse Friday Fill IN

From Wife of a Sailor

This week’s questions are:

1. If you could have a private concert with any singer, who would it be? submitted by An Air Force Wife’s Blog

He's dead but if he were still alive I would have to say Elvis Presley or maybe Michael Jackson. I had to pick them because in my mind no one has become the icon that they have. I am not sure I could choose just 1 person that is still alive. Maybe James Durbin?

2. Is there anything you do to supplement your family’s income? submitted by Our Life, One Adventure at a Time

I am a Close to My Heart Consultant but I haven't made any money off of it as I haven't been pushing it in the last few years due to having William etc. I also sell my crafts and hand me downs online and at Consignments.

3. During your pregnancy (whether past, present, or future), what did you nickname your unborn baby before you knew the sex? submitted by Explosions of Love

Mackenzie didn't have one that I can remember. Skylar was Peanut, Bunny, and finally Skylar. William was Peridot (his birth stone)

4. Have you ever won a blog giveaway? If so what did you win? submitted by Mrs. O’s Life

I wish!

5. If I looked into your refrigerator right now, what would I find? submitted by Married to the Army

Coca Cola is my addiction, Lactaid Whole Milk for William, a gallon of 2% Milk, and a half Gallon of whole milk (James' my 23 year old), OJ, James wine coolers, cheese, ham, condiments, fruit cups, Bottled Water, White Grape Juice, James' food not sure what all he has in there he hasn't been shopping in a few weeks.

Please don’t forget to add your blog link to Mr. Linky below by clicking on it. But also if you are not participating in MilSpouse Friday Fill-In this week, please do not put your link on there… I will remove it. It is unfair to others who do participate.


Athena said...

I have a Coke Zero addiction, but if I have them, I have to hide them (and not in the fridge) or the teenagers drink them!

Have a great weekend :)

♥ Niki ♥ said...

Stopping by for MiSpouse Friday Fill in. I look forward to getting to know you. :)