Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wifey Wednesday

I have an Army Wife friend of mine I met when we were stationed here at Redstone together. I am not going to call her out by name because I am not sure she would be comfortable with that. Plus it might be a violation of girl code lol.  ;D I see with what view I have the relationship she has with her Soldier, Her Hero, Her husband. I think they have been together a long time and she knows her job is to be a good wife (help meet) and mother. I was intrigued and read her blog quite a bit. A good help meet, house wife, working mother.. .whatever plan God has for me I think that is what I should strive to be. Also in church Pastor Mark talks a lot about being submissive (not in a bad way) to our husbands. I have to wonder perhaps though. Without striking the word of God but what if that isn't our position in our family life. What if our husband doesn't function at 100% Maybe he functions better when we are 50/50? Then what then? My husband has ADD, Short Term Memory Loss, and PTSD from his time in Iraq so certain things I am expected to step up and just do. So I wonder is THAT how I am a good Help Meet? Some people say I should just step back and let him take control and if I have faith in him he will be able to juggle it all. I am not sure that is what God is asking. I could never see myself being June Clever or a Stepford Wife. But I would like to be better than I am I just feel like under my current circumstances I am stretched pretty thin. I know I can gain strength from that and eventually not feel so stretched with faith and prayer. 

I am just exploring these thoughts and wanting to know more about what it says in God's word and what would work best? Am I doing this wife thing all wrong?

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