I respect the uniforms of the men and women in the Armed Forces as I respect the men and women who wear them.
I believe in taking the up most care of the uniform by keeping it as clean as possible (being in the military is a dirty job), pressing it when possible, and keeping it up to standard. I do stick my nose up in the air when a redneck or a hunter gets a second hand uniform and cuts them into shorts or makes it look totally tacky. (By the way tacky is a matter of opinion for you and for me.)
I think re-purposing uniforms into household things, bows, clothing, and purses can be done nicely. There is always someone that has to be tacky LOL.
I do not believe in any way shape or form should the American flag should be cut and re-purposed into anything. It IS against flag code. I do not believe its the same thing as re-purposing the uniforms.
The argument is I didn't earn the uniform my husband did. My husband did earn the uniform and its his choice what he does with them when he is done with them. He has his last uniform he wore hanging in his closet and I have a purse made from his last uniform from his last deployment. A lady named Jennifer through Hero on my Shoulder http://heroonmyshoulder.vpweb.com. My husband actually bought me my very ACU bag while he was deployed off of Ebay so it had nothing to do with his uniform. He bought my daughter one from the shop at Ft Campbell when we were visiting as well. Since then I have a total of 6 uniform bags including my daughters. I never wear rank or medals. Who does that? That is ridiculous IMO. I do wear my name tape and usually a tape that says US Army Wife, Veterans Wife, Merry Christmas... something like that. I have his unit patch because I am proud of his unit and to be apart of it. Since my husband retired two years ago the unit doesn't even exist anymore. They no longer use the patch so someone of the same unit would be the only ones to recognize it. If I could find more Army Wife/ Veterans wife patches I would think its cool to use them. They make child sized uniforms and sell them through Clothing and Sales... How is that not tacky too? They should really make patches for the kids (I survived my first deployment with daddy, I PCS'd to.., I left my childhood home.. Things that kids do for the military life.) I got so many compliments and only a very rare rude comment about my second purse (it also has photo pockets to show off my Soldiers too!) I wanted a second one badly. The photo pockets need some work and the ribbon too. I decided if I am going to get complimented for wearing my bag why not get PAID for it. So I joined as a recruiter for Military Apparel Company and started to carry their bags. I got a Class A uniform for a diaper bag and a smaller purse to carry. Again I would get many compliments and tried to make money carrying these awesome bags. I did nothing but carry a bag and hand out a card to those who asked about them. I finally got the bag I use now as a surplus from someone's business online. So I only really have three bags made from my husband and step son's uniforms. I love my ACU bag... it works for me its not just the uniform that makes it perfect for me its got a nice strap that sits on my shoulder the way it should... lots of pockets inside and out and it fits my style and personality. I don't walk around in ACU all day no... I don't wear Proud Army Wife shirts very often since he retired (but hey the hoodie is still warm on some days). But it works for me and I do like the compliments on my bags. I have even got stopped by a 4 star General. So if its so disrespect to the uniform wouldn't he know instead of telling me how nice my bag was? Not very often you get stopped by a male to tell you that you have a nice purse even if its Gucci, Coach, Chanel, Dooney and Burke or even a bag from Good Will. MEN do not tell you that you have a nice purse unless they are homosexual LOL. Yet I get compliments all the time from our men in uniform :)

If a chick wants to have a proud army wife sticker on her car, a proud army wife shirt on her body, Recruiting for booty undies under her jeans, and carry an ACU bag... That's her damn business. She's not showing off her booty underwear and just maybe her husband likes that she is proud of him. There is a classy way of carrying off your clothing and gear and there is a trashy way of doing it :) Knowing the difference is huge! So if you think I am tacky in my pink Army Wife shirt with camo pants carrying my ACU bag while holding the hand of my toddler wearing her ACU dress.... look the other way we are proud to be in such a unique family. I won't be walking a run way in New York City but I didn't consider your opinion when I was in my closet this morning anyways. Those of you who have something nasty to say about it are the ones that people shouldn't look at when looking at the military wives.
I saw on Facebook this morning someone said "What i can't stand,gets under my skin like no other..when girls (usually) foam at the mouth about how great their man is because he's a serviceman or cop or firefighter,etc. No no no...an occupation doesn't make a person good. Can't they "brag" about how great he is because he's loving,caring,understanding,ac
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