I am going to put this out there for anyone who is nosy enough to ask wow that's a lot of dolls your daughter has what can one do with that many dolls. Did you ever count your Barbies growing up and say... wow we have 9 barbies one more barbie and that's it we can't get anymore because you can't possibly get 2 more... Did you ever count your friends and say... I have a blonde, a brunette, an oriental friend, an African American friend, and a redhead... I can't have anymore friends. Have you counted your shoe collection, purse collection or whatever item you decide to collect and say nope I am cut off now I have to get rid of some. Even if that item was gifted to you would you honestly say thanks but no thanks I have enough of that item? I have loved dolls since I was a child. My grandmother collected dolls and I read all the American Girl books but never had a American Girl doll. I had other types of dolls including the Cabbage Patch I still have till this day. Now my daughter is 11 she doesn't play with toys we are giving away her Barbie and Polly Pocket Stuff soon as soon as I get well. Most teens get into games and have a Play Station, a Wii, an Xbox, their computer and at least 10 games for every platform. She's not really into gaming unless its Sims. Boys have Lego's ....So if it takes an Army of American Girl dolls to keep her uninterested in boys guess what? I will buy her an Army. Eventually she will grow up and still go boy crazy but for now as fast as her body is developing (She's over 5 feet tall and 90 lbs) at her young age of 11 I'd rather keep her a little girl... not a make up clad, hoochie clothes wearing, chasing boy... mom on 16 & Pregnant! As long as she wants.... as long as they are cared for then I will continue. Her 4 year old brother likes them and I have a few of my own the ones I always dreamed of having. These dolls aren't all American Girl and what we spent is none of your business. We aren't going into debt for American Girl. 1 doll may be enough for your daughter but perhaps my daughter wants an Asian doll like her friend Jade, and a Blonde doll that's a dancer like her friend Kara, She wants one with long hair so she can style it and it looks like her friend Carri. My daughter has friends of many shades and ethnic backgrounds so why shouldn't her dolls be as diverse? Sorry vent over I am just tired of being asked LOL...
1 comment:
My 10 year old self is super jealous of her collection. I vividly remember getting Felicity for Christmas when I was in 5th grade. There are definitely worse things she could be interested in.
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