Sunday, November 11, 2018


Some people think of grief as a loss due to death of a loved one. Which I’ve experienced two fold recently.

I believe you can grieve the loss of an opportunity, a friendship, a job, a relationship, empty nest, pregnancy, divorce, and or loss of trust.

Where there is love there is grief.

A lot of these things I’ve experienced just the past 18 months. 

I lost my first husband at the young age of 23, suddenly. With that I learned how quickly outside judgement comes with grief. I learned to grieve on my own. I learned it’s on my timeline that someone else may grieve the same person or experience but it can be vastly different for different people. Some may look like everything is back to the way it was some may take longer- even a lifetime. There is no right or wrong to when you get to move on. Whether that be a new job, a new relationship, etc. 

Grief can be compounded by other deaths you’ve dealt with or other experiences that you endured and then you let yourself reopen your heart to be loved again just to feel like a failure or you’ve been let down. One may not look or feel or end the same. You may not know how to feel, how to act, or what the next step is. Most importantly you can’t help how you feel. Just remember it’s what we do as humans mourn, hurt, break, rebuild, and do it all over again. 

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