Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Who Am I?

Who Am I? I've always saw myself as compassionate, open minded, loving, caring, and then I can be bluntly honest to a fault. A former friend texted me yesterday and he said to me that I was being spiteful and he didn't know who I was because he says I acted like my life is worse than everyone else's. I have never thought that! By a long shot! At 12 years old I had craniofacial reconstructive surgery and met a baby that had the same surgery. I had encountered many children that were warriors at different times I was having surgery. I know my childhood wasn't great but I also know it was good in many ways. Last year was certainly a rough year for me. It was one of the worst ones of my life only to be rivaled by losing my husband and son. It was a challenge. I have never been afraid of constructive criticism. Granted, I don't think he was being constructive. I do tend to internalize things when people say things and I am very analytical. So I am constantly analyzing conversations I have had with people, comments that are made, and people themselves. A tool I use is that I think about comments or if its a disagreement I tend to not so much blame myself for it but how can I change this, do I need a change, etc etc. I think its hard to explain. So when the former friend said those things to me I have spent most of my day letting it go in my head like a broken record player. I know I am giving him space in my head he doesn't deserve. But its more of a tool to grow within myself. So I was thinking was I throwing a pity party? Was I being spiteful? Angry? Yes I am angry at how our friendship that was over 20 years old ended. I started to see a lot of true colors.
I know I am a caring person that keeps a few dollars for the random homeless person, I volunteered for the animal rescue locally. I am always here with a helping hand however I can and it gives me so much joy.

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