Sunday, May 23, 2021

New blog series! Letters to myself.

Dear Bella,
    Healthy relationships don't make you question your worth. Just because you stop being loyal or giving all you have to give that doesn't mean your not worth loving. Stop being loyal to someone who is inconsistent with you. Some people will not recognize your loyalty because they themselves aren't a loyal person. Stop apologizing to someone who treats you like shit. Show other people your value. You deserve that apology. Some people come into your life to show you what love isn't. Madea says "Some people are like leaves on a tree. The wind blows- they're over here. They're unstable. It blows the other way- now they're over there. The seasons change and they wither and die. They're gone. Some people are like a branch on that tree. You've got to be careful about them branches too cause they'll fool you. They'll make you think they're a good friend and they're real strong, but the minute you step out there on them they'll break and leave you high and dry. But if you find two or three people in your life that are like the roots at the bottom of that tree, you are blessed. Because they're the kind of people that ain't going nowhere. They ain't worried about being seen. Don't nobody have to know what they're doing for you but if those roots weren't there that tree couldn't live." Stop being impressed by minimal effort. Sometimes doing what is best for you won't feel the best for you. Its going to hurt. Its going to hurt a lot. Lessons are that way. They hurt so that you learn from them. 

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