Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 11 of the 30 DOT.. Like a Good Neighbor...

ay 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

Like a Good Neighbor State Farm is there....

I have gotten compliments on my outlook on life for most of my life. Its awkward being in school and the teacher says she looks up to you. For my LJHS crowd do you remember the sub that was a light skinned black woman that dyed her hair a sandy blonde? But the same compliment comes up a lot today. I am told I am strong.. WTH? I AM? Shoot if you call this strong... then you need help lmao. I was told by one of the therapist I have been to.. you mean all this happens to you and you are Anti Drug and you don't like alcohol? Yes I am anti drug I always have been, No I don't like alcohol aside from the occasional glass of Wine or Long Island Ice tea that I usually take a few sips and give the rest of it to James even though I have diluted it so bad with Soda you wouldn't be able to taste the alcohol! AND I quit smoking Cold Turkey in October 08... LOL Cause thats my form of crazy bat shit... and that's how I roll. I don't pop Xanax to get me through it either... I just hit my knees and listen to my music... and do this little thing.. Blogging. So my motto in life is.. Quit bitching and do something about it! You have no one but yourself to blame for your mistakes. TRUST ME! I've been through a lot of crap in my childhood and I could blame my drug addiction on my mother, alcoholism on my mother and father.. oh wait... I am not a drug addict or alcoholic even if I am predetermined and exposed to those gene's... I am emotional.. very emotional. I always have been. I love too deep and too fast. I am loyal even if it kills me and trust me its came close.. If you have my heart your a fucking lucky person I am tellin you.

I am complimented on my thoughtfulness. Yes I remember that my High School Friend Suzan is afraid of.. well it starts with a S and its creepy crawly!... Melissa B loves Frogs and has since High School. I remember weird shit. I remember where i was and how the significance of a song in my life is. To just tell you about my memory I was 3-4 when I lived in a house in Hampton, Ga and I was giving Rick the Audio tour of the house...I could probably lead you blind folded in every house I have lived in since I was 3. I remember a lot of likes and dislikes that my friends have. I remember when Alicia who was my best friend at my earliest of forever we love the movie Beaches and she had a crush on Billie Joe Armstrong from Greenday. I remember when Jake Johnson at the age of 5 sang shameless and it was AMAZING! I remember these things. When I am out shopping.. because I am addicted I don't always buy for myself matter of fact I rarely do.. I say hey so and so would love that and I pick it up for them.

My neighbor across the street, I can't even tell you her name.. She is a school teacher, she has a toddler little girl, and she is married... had a baby boy not to long ago and I had formula cans samples, baby food, and some newborn diapers...

I have been called the queen of Google.. If you need something I can probably HELP you find it. I have saved alot of crap from my Paint Shop Pro Files, Digital Scrapbooking, Music.. whatever I have a lot... I am the queen of useless knowledge. Did you know the confetti thrown out in Times Square on New Years Eve has a message written on it and it could be from YOU? Did you know you can own a square foot of Scotland? How about adopting your own star? I did those for Christmas gifts one year LOL So a person I used to hang out with called me the queen of useless knowledge. LOL I swear sometimes people just ask me questions because my brain retains so much CRAP...

Physical features? I would have to say my eyes. They are large and odd shaped. Years ago when I worked at Pizza K in Marietta. I had a customer come in and ask if my eyes were surgically enhanced. I was like um? Is that a compliment or what? My kiddos all have my eyes of different shades of color :)

Its just what I do...

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