Monday, February 21, 2011

Military Monday

Military Mondays Family and Spouse Carnival at Army Wives' Lives

Happy Presidents Day
My daughter is in school today making up snow days from the previous weeks of heavy snow fall that was unexpected!
I am torn about what my Military Monday topic should be. I have a great sense of pride being part of this special community on one hand but I would also like to talk about Why we do Presidents Day... Maybe there will just have to be two blog posts LOL.

How many of you caught Extreme Makeover Home Edition? They built a house for a victim of the Fort Hood shooting? This soldier who got sent home from a deployment on a fast track because he was an Officer Candidate was shot four times during the incident including his head, shoulder, and hip. The incident took place November of 2009 and yes it shocked most of us from what I remember we all stayed in tuned waiting for word, for reasons, and we still don't fully understand HOW or WHY could a Soldier turn on one of his own. Not ONE of his own but 13 men and women were killed that day. 32 were injured not including himself. The shooter is now paralyzed from the neck down by a brave hero that struggled to stop the attack. On Extreme Makeover SSG Zeigler is still struggling with regaining normal life. He has defied all odds and with the support of his now wife they are reaching amazing goals. Extreme Makeover didn't only just build them a house they also gave them a beautiful wedding of her dreams. It was a tear jerking episode. I know people that were at Ft Hood that day. My step son was in another part of the world to our relief at the time. 
Anyways I am babbling...  Us as an Army Family.. not as in my family unit but the entire world wide Army Family we have our trials and we have people look at us like we get the hand out or we feel entitled and they just don't grasp what we do, what our Troops do, What we go through. I am not saying we are entitled but people like SSG Zeigler needs a helping hand. There are MANY more people that were in the wrong place at the wrong time and were shot and need help. But if SSG Zeigler hadn't volunteered to help his country. If he hadn't sacrificed his safety and regular life to go be deployed and fight a horrible war. Just to come home where a lot of us in the Military Community consider home as sacred land. When we here boots on the ground or boots on American Soil.. there is a wife or loved one somewhere that is the happiest person on Earth. Yet this man had survived Iraq or Afghanistan just to come home and be shot down and left to die on his own turf, his own home land. Something that is not expected here. SSG Zeigler deserves the very best for his multiple sacrifices and he is a true American Hero. He didn't save just one person. He was part of a team doing a team effort. Coming home and starting to give a life long career to fighting for our country.  

One of my best friends just recently became part of my Army Family. Her husband went from making a comfortable living in New York to putting it all away to earn less than $2000 a month in the United States Army. He is currently in training becoming one of the Brave and Strong men I have looked up to all my life. Now that my friend is part of my Military Family There are questions that she asks because the Army always leaves them with unknowns. There is an Army Wife Handbook if only it was as easy as an instruction manual and if only they issued them once your husband held up his hand and pledged to protect... I wrote a blog before about Army Wives shouldn't let other Army Wives deploy alone... Someone forgets the POA, someone forgets that piece of info that the husband doesn't tell the wife or girlfriend before he leaves and leaves a mess for the one left behind to clean up. Even though I was only an Active Duty Army Wife for three years I feel like a mostly old pro. No I am not an old pro because I can't honestly say I served the time... but I am informed. If I don't know the answer I know who to ask to try and get the answer... yet in our world there are lots of questions with no answers. So what do you think should be General Issue to a recruits Wife/Girlfriend? They give your Soldier a Uniform, Weapon, Beret, PT's etc... What should they give us? What should every wives battle buddy do/ or know?
That's what Army Community is all about!

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