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No particular reason why I chose this caption from Will & Grace I just love her (it!) |
I don't really get complimented on my parenting style.. I don't know why?? I mean I am not mother of the year but I do sacrifice a lot and have always been attentive of Skylar. William is a daddy's boy.
So I am not voted Mother of the year or Wife of the year... ha lol.
Hell I am probably not even a good step mother.
I don't really get compliments on my style.. LMAO I only WISH I could look stylish. I know what style looks like but don't know how to translate that to me. My buddy Kira took me out shopping once and gave me some ideas.. otherwise I look to fashion of the skinny bitches that don't look like me or have my size wallet Hollyhell.
Publish PostFrom outsides people think my Mommy group I've been running for ten years is a big fat joke.. Its certainly not a joke to me and I would be lost without a few of those women. yet I still am told its unhealthy...
I am not complimenting on my gaming skills.. I consider this a good thing lol.
I am not complimented a whole lot on my photography.
I am definitely not a good house wife and never claimed to be. I am an organized mess. I love to be organized but my house can look pretty messy. I just don't have good time management.. yet I am hardly ever late... unless like today I couldn't find my car keys because everyone in the house had borrowed them. Then my CAR locked my keys, purse, phone etc INSIDE my car... I put my stuff down to run inside to grab William... and my car auto locked my keys.. So I almost made Rick late for his doctors appointment while he came to save his damsel in distress. I never claimed to be a neat freak. My oldest sister and adopted mom are OCD cleaners... I just don't get the point in making a bed every day? I think I need Flylady to save me...
I am not complimented on my driving aside from James. I learned to drive at the age of 27 just moments before Rick deployed and I swear I got a pity vote and got my license because she knew he was deploying and I promised her I would only go to the Commissary and PX (sorry I lied!) My friend Pegan thinks I drive like a Grandma but she is proud of her lead foot LOL. I get easily anxious in a car because it is one of my biggest fears after knowing several people die in car Accidents plus several of my own mishaps LOL... 3 hours after I got my learners permit in Calhoun. I was driving the wrong way in the Wal-mart parking lot and plowed my Oldsmobile Cera into a Dodge Ram. Of course you couldn't see any damage on that jacked up 3 month old Dodge Ram (even if there was $8K) but there was a hole above my head light all the way down the side board of my car... What's that called? Then when I got my drivers license. Rick was in KS in training and I swipped a car in the Commissary parking lot not a lot of damage to either car. It was my bad I admit.. I was trying to avoid the Case Lot Sale Tent behind me and I am not too confident on my handling and vision. Oh yes and lets not forget me totaling the Green Machine in October 07 just weeks after Rick had boots in the ground... but I haven't had anything since then... except I hit one curb texting while driving on post near Magnolia Circle... NOW I don't text or talk while I drive unless its an emergency!
I could probably tell you 101 things I am not complimented on... my weight gain since William, my scars all over my body, my facebook skills lolz, My spanish or lack there of, my hair, my skin, my double chin, my extended family, my college degree that I don't have LOL.. but I have a great pair of shoes on and the cutest purse!
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