Stormy Day

I woke up today not wanting to wake up. More and more lately that has been the case. I have just been so physically tired. Yesterday I came down stairs and took another nap on the couch. Thank God my husband can be understanding and took care of William, took James to work and cooked me Sweet Southern Ham, Biscuits, and Gravy with Sausage for breakfast. Yum. It was so good it made me miss my Papa Bear. One of the many ways I remember my Papa Bear is a weekend breakfast of Biscuits and Gravy. His was so good its hard to duplicate it and I could get fat (or fatter) trying! Many of my mornings I still wake up exhausted and tired. I haven't even taken my cough medicine afraid that was the culprit but it wasn't. I woke up this morning with a pounding headache and once William was down for his nap at 11 I laid down to watch the DVR'd Oscars. Plus we were in a Thunderstorm Tornado Warning. The storm got strong but not as ugly as I have seen and left as quick as it came thankfully. I heard that someone in Tennessee died as a result. Prayers for that area and those people effected.
Hi there!
I popped over from the Mommy D's blog hop. I am a new follower. Can't wait to read a little more when I have more time.
We had yucky weather in New England today too! I can't wait for spring! :)
Hope you get to feeling better soon too!
I just hopped on over from Mommy D's. Being down here in south Florida, it was a hot and blistering day today. The fact that it's this hot in February has me scared. That usually means we are going to have a hotter then usual summer.
I hope you are feeling better.
I am now following you.
Thank you so much for linking up on the Mystery Post Blog Hop this week hon.
So sorry I'm late! Spring is almost here! YAY
Good evening,
I hopped over from Mommy d's and I enjoyed your posts. look forward to reading more.
thank you
I hate, hate, hate tornadoes. When I lived in Nebraska, I hid in the basement so much. I found you on Mommy D's. Heather
New follower from Mommy D's Kitchen Blog Hop ~ stop on over when you can! I do reviews & giveaways too ~ enter ;.)
~Mommy's Moments~
BTW ~weather here in TN is beautiful today 70 degrees ;.)
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