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Things that make me happy:
Peaceful Children
Book I'm reading:
Rick bought me a book that Ellen wrote. I ordered Confessions of a Military Wife by Comedian and Marine Wife Mollie Gross so that will be coming shortly with a sticker and her CD. I got it from MollieGross.com
What's on my TV today:
The Finale to the Bachelor... I don't know who he is going to choose! I can see him with either of those ladies honestly! I am wondering what the drama is though!
On the menu for dinner:
On my To Do List:
More Laundry, Organize Bedroom, William's closet, my closet, Down stairs movies/games/books etc. I would love to do flower beds but I don't know how! HELP!
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
See my Tempt My Tummy Tuesday tomorrow its a Chicken Recipe my friend Kristin gave me
Looking forward to this week:
Tips and Tricks:
This looks pretty awesome http://store.thecouponizer.com/organizers-c2.aspx
My favorite blog post this week:
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Lesson learned the past few days:
Please don't build Nuclear plants in an Earthquake zone...
“We idolize celebrities, we idolize professional athletes, we idolize millionaires, we idolize all the wrong people. The people who have started these organizations…they are the model Americans.” Dani Johnson
On my mind:
In my world in this house I feel like I stand alone on a certain issue. My husband doesn't want me to talk about it and I don't know what to do anymore. I just feel hopeless about it. Its hard for me to not be able to talk about something, spill it in my blog (after all that's how we met... irony much? He doesn't even read my blog anymore) I was watching the Secret Millionaire episode this morning and Special Spaces I wish I could things like that remarkable and amazing... I am thinking of my friend that has become a new Mommy. Another acquaintance that I struggle with a lot that I just want to say WWYD? WWJD? I missed church this week due to the irresponsibility of my Step son and it made me VERY angry.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Thank you for mentioning our book, Confessions of a Military Wife. If you would like more information about the book, including an excerpt, or its author, please check at http://www.molliegross.com/
Savas Beatie LLC
Publisher of Historical Titles of Distinction
Confessions of a Military Wife by Mollie Gross is an honest, witty and often hilarious look at the life of the new generation military wife. Mollie, the wife of a former Marine Corps officer, is a standup comedienne and public speaker. In her book, she explores everything from deployment and the stress of having a husband in a combat zone, to the realization that marriage changes when your husband returns from war. Mollie shows that all women, civilian or military, can learn to find the funny side of anything by embracing the situation and changing their perspective.
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