Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Thunks

If your wondering what this is about go here 

1. Charlie Sheen is an idiot and will probably end up with his own stupid reality show that will get 40 million viewers the first day and then people will fall asleep and quit watching. What person, celebrity or not, would you watch every eppy of a reality show if they were the center of it all? I am pretty much an off the cuff reality show addict. I used to be in to Survivor (that lasted a season or two), and Big Brother ( a few seasons then it interrupted my other shoes so it had to go bye bye), I have watched both versions of Extreme Makeover. and I still watch :Home Edition, I loved the Swan but it was canceled, Date my Dad, Who wants to marry a Millionaire.. those don't last long. Ok for several years (I guess?) I have heard the talk about Jersey Shore. So while I am here on the computer doing other things and just bsing I will turn it on I enjoy it. I am admitting it here. I don't think sleeping around is smart and drinking until your arrested is either... but they are kids and when I was that age I probably did things just as crazy.. So let them be them.. none of our business or right to judge right? I mean think about this? They take Taxis if they are going clubbing I think that is smart and shows smart smarts lol. Its like when you were in College (most are college age) and you went to Spring Break... meets Girls Gone Wild... meets as an adult you go to Atlantic City or Vegas for you Western shore people... What goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas anyone? I don't make this up so it has to have a story behind the quote LOL. So I've watched Jersey Shore because they can be funny and its just a TV show that I don't have to think about, pay much attention to, etc.. it doesn't EFFECT my life. I watched Teen Mom 1 I don't know why I started but I watched it and loved one couple from the show. Now I watch Teen Mom 2 and the train wreck of some of those teen agers. I've done a few seasons of Real World. On VH1 I watch Celebrity Rehab, Surreal Life, Rock of Love with Bret Michaels, My Fair Brady, Celebrity Fit Club, Breaking Bonaduce, Flavor of Love, Tila Tequila Shot at Love.. other reality shows like the Osbournes, and Bret Michaels Life As I know It, Family Jewels with Gene Simmons.. I love those LOL There are a lot of shows that I don't know if you equate them as being reality shows too. Like Cake Boss, The Duggars, Baby Story, True Life, Snapped, Clean House etc...
 Right now as a family or a mini family We watch Bachelor and American Idol. The rest I dvr, catch when I catch it out of boredom or watch online.
Yup I might be a Celeb Reality/ Reality Show addict.
So what Reality Show would I watch every episode of? I am not sure probably one about Real Life Military unless it was that E Crapu-mentary that came on a few weeks ago


2. We all pay bills and wish we didn't have to. We all work and wish we could just lay around all day doing nothing. We all have those grown up responsibilities that we wish we could give to an African Elephant. Besides all the things the African Elephant got from you for the day, what is something from your high school years that you miss most of all? I love to learn. I love going to church (which really is like class isn't it? I have notes and a book, and a pen and a TEACHER of sorts...) So I still love to learn everyday. I love the social aspect of school and the pep rally's etc... 

3. Sometimes we want to grow wings and fly. Whats the farthest you've fallen? Once I fell off the Great American Scream Machine... but emotionally I have hit some rocks luckily not Rock bottom and i hope to never see that point.

4. There is square bread, wheat bread, circle shaped bread, bread with nuts in it, funny named breadWhen you open a bread bag, do you twist it when you are done or put the metal tie thingie back on? (And did you know that if you look at that metal tie thingie, it has a day of the week printed on it?) Yes I knew that the colors of the metal tie have a meaning per day of the week when the bread was baked. I generally twist and go... depends on my dedication LOL

5. Some spoiled little brat (hey.. my opinion) called 911 on her teacher because he shook his own desk to get the students attention in the class. (I know, right?) Think back... what clever ways did a teacher of yours use to get the attention of the class or a particular student? Um I don't really recall anything creative or unusual probably just extra assignments?

6. Artwork, pictures, notes, appointments. How many magnets are on your refrigerator? I have 80 not including parts of the alphabet stored on top.. odd how it was an even number? maybe...

7. Cats are fluffy, dogs are soft, snakes are leathery, fish are wet.What is an animal that you have held or petted that you don't think many people have had the chance? Turkey, my mom had a pet Turkey named Tom. 

8. I'm coming to your house to paint your kitchen. I'm bringing the paint. What color should I not have with me? no black its just not right for a kitchen I think LOL.. i might loose my appliances!

9. Snow falls down, sometimes sideways. It still ends up on the ground. If snowflakes came in all different colors, which color snowflake would fall the fastest? They would all fall the same LOL

10. We caved... well at least I did. Are you glad Thursday Thunks is back? YES! I am a Newbie!


Jodi said...

Black wouldn't be an option for my kitchen either!

Ria said...

My brother's kitchen is black with grey - I think the walls are grey though. The cabinets are black , the counters are black granite with silvery specks, he has brushed nickel (I think) finish on his appliances. his fridgehas smoked clear doors. Would be cool if he had food or cooked in there.

I'm more into the Tuscan look so bright colors for me!